Competition: Caption [Week 3]: What Say You...

Caption [Week 3]: What Say You...

You must come up with a caption that can be used for the following picture:

The picture with the best caption will gain a higher position than others. The caption must be war or conflict related. It may be a quote, but the quote has to be relevant and must be attributed to someone. Quotes without attribution will be disqualified. Otherwise, the caption will be graded on such:

  • Creativity - 1 = Little to no care in what was being said, 2 = Some care and thought in the words, 3 = A lot of care or thought put into the words, 4 = Beyond creative, witty, snappy, interesting, poignant

  • Originality - 1 = Common or cliché phrases and quotes, 2 = A play on a common phrase or quote, 3 = An uncommon phrase or quote, 4 = Completely original phrase

  • Length - 1 = Extremely short or long to a pointless degree, 2 = Short or long and somewhat necessary, 3 = Good fit of words, 4 = The length perfectly reflects the image

Ties will be broken by who entered into the competition closest to the start date. You can use documents, or add the quote to the picture itself and send it through the upload box below, but we only expect a phrase or quote in the text box below.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[The Dark Times Saga] Operation Passion Force
Organized by
Sage Enzo Dek, Adept Xantros
Running time
2021-03-03 until 2021-03-09 (7 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
Xendar Thendaris
File submission
1st place
2nd place
Cello opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Textual submission

"Only the dead have seen the end of war." Gen. Douglas MacArthur, attributed to Plato.

3rd place
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Textual submission

‘O war! thou son of hell,
Whom angry heavens do make their minister,
Throw in the frozen bosoms of our part
Hot coals of vengeance! Let no soldier fly.
He that is truly dedicate to war
Hath no self-love, nor he that loves himself,
Hath not essentially but by circumstance
The name of valour.’

Henry IV Part 2, Shakespeare

4th place
5th place
Ellac Conrat
Ellac Conrat
Textual submission

“When people think about how the Republic lost the war, all anyone remembers is the ‘Betrayal of the Grand Army of the Republic’ and how they turned on the Jedi they once served with. But what people forget is that we were the ones who lost the most. My brother’s and I didn’t turn on the Jedi Order, we were forced against them. Our minds, our body , and our very wills were stripped away from us, and all that was left the programming they put in it’s place.”

5th place
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Textual submission

If the galaxy is going to burn...let me start the fire.

6th place
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Textual submission

I, for one, do *not* welcome these new robot overlords. Death to clankers!

7th place
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

“Hit the deck”

8th place