Competition: Cryptic Communiquès

Cryptic Communiquès

Tensions remain high on Eldar. In the wake of recent merciless attacks on Keadean settlements by Sardinian raiders. Though the Sardinians have officially denied knowledge of or involvement in the attacks, Galerian intel on the matter is spotty at best, and non-present at worst. In an effort to improve the situation, military intelligence has begun to intercept transmissions from both sides, attempting to gain knowledge of any attacks of ill-advised retaliatory strikes before they happen.

Decode the below message, and submit it into the textbox. The three messages that are the most quickly and accurately submitted will take placement. Note that the message is both case and punctuation sensitive.

Winners will receive fifth level crescents.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Eldar: Second Contact
Organized by
Sera Kaern
Running time
2021-03-22 until 2021-04-25 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Galeres
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Subscription time
31 March 2021
Submission time
31 March 2021
Time taken
1097 seconds (± 18 minutes)
Textual submission

Our blood. Our soil. They can say what they like, claim what they want, but the ashes of the innocent do not lie. Like dogs let off the leash, they lash out at whatever they can sink their fangs into. It must be us, their rightful masters, to put them down, before those outsider fools can intervene.

1st place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Subscription time
19 April 2021
Submission time
19 April 2021
Time taken
4381 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

Our blood. Our soil. They can say what they like, think what they want, but the ashes of the innocent do not lie. Like dogs let off the leash, they lash out at whatever they can sink their fangs into. It must be us, their rightful masters, to cut them down, before those outsider fools can intervene.

2nd place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Subscription time
02 April 2021
Submission time
02 April 2021
Time taken
178 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

Our blood. Our soil, Hhey can say what they like, claim what they want, but the ashes of the innocent do not lie. like dogs let off the leash, they lash out at whatever they can sink their fangs into. It must be us, their rightful masters, to put them down, before those outsider fools can intervene

Jrm hdjjg. Jrm pjed. Ttuy osi psy wtsq qtuy decu, odsef wtsq qtuy wsiq, hrq qtu sptup jn qtu eiijouiq gj ijq deu. decu gjap duq jnn qtu duspt, qtuy dspt jrq sq wtsquvum qtuy osi peic qtuem nsiap eiqj. Eq frpq hu rp, qtuem meatqnrd fspqump, qj krq qtuf gjwi, hunjmu qtjpu jrqpegum njjdp osi eiqumvuiu.

3rd place