What is life? Why are we here? Is there really an all-powerful Force binding everything together? Or are we all just miniature figurines on a table in someone’s fantasy role-playing game, no more than molded plastic with some higher being controlling our every action through random chance and numbers on a paper? It’s one of life’s great mysteries.
For this competition, you’ll be building a miniature figurine of your character! If you have the means to build a real one, this is your time to shine! And if you don’t, fear not, for we have a free, web-based tool that you can use to build a virtual one: https://www.heroforge.com/
Whether you’d prefer to make a true-to-form version of your character as they normally appear in the DJB, or if you’d like to put a high fantasy spin on things, the choice is yours! All you have to do is submit a photograph or a screenshot of your miniature.
Rules & Grading:
1st place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
2nd place
Dr. Aru Law
3rd place
Master Mune Cinteroph