Every journey started somewhere. Every story has a beginning. This applies to all of our characters. For this competition, we’ll be focusing more specifically on the Brotherhood. How did your character find the DJB? Was it an accident? Did they follow rumors and eventually discover someone that had concrete information? Were they born into it? There are so many different approaches you could take to answer this.
Your task is to detail this journey in at least 1000 words of fiction. Be sure to attach a loadout and have a valid CS before submitting. Grading will be done based on the fiction rubric. Clusters of Ice will be awarded for every 500 words. Submit through the textbox or any word processing format (not including links to Google Docs). Be creative and have fun!
1st place
Adept Mune Cinteroph
2nd place
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
3rd place
Xendar Thendaris