Competition: Help Us Odan-Urr, You're Our Only Hope!

Help Us Odan-Urr, You're Our Only Hope!

With the acquisition of the Haven-class Medical Station, sentient beings from the Kiast system are flocking to it, seeking assistance for a variety of issues. They are in need. In no less than 500 words, choose one of the prompts provided and find a way to resolve the issue without violence or combat. Entries may make their way into the Haven-class Medical Station wiki article, upcoming clan fictions, or other COU lore in the future.

Prompt 1: A new virus is spreading throughout the population of a planet of your choosing, simply known as the Nox Virus. You must resolve this issue before it is too late, use the station and any resources it may possess to solve this problem or to discover the root cause of the virus.

Prompt 2: Envoys from a foreign government of your choosing is in desperate need of supplies, but a band of pirates are choking off the supply lines. Find a way to slip through the blockade, without drawing the attention of the Pirates, and deliver the much needed supplies.

Prompt 3: Civil unrest has broken out on a planet of your choosing due to the widespread Nox Virus. An envoy has been sent to the station, in need of assistance from the Diplomats of Urr. With a silver tongue can you help quell the uprising during this perilous time?

This event will be graded using the Voice Fiction Grading Rubric

Text box submissions and .pdf are both acceptable

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
Daro Vane
Running time
2021-05-01 until 2021-05-22 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
Prompt1_ A Strange Sort of Hunt.pdf
1st place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Moff Alethia Archenksova opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Textual submission

**My Friday Night**

Ok so there I was. Just got out of the shower when all of a sudden, I hear a knocking and shouting at my door. I thought it was weird. Especially at this time of night as it was well after dinner mind you. So I throw on my robe and look out the small viewport. There's this guy, dressed in noble clothes dancing around like he’s been holding in a piss for days. I open the door and he practically runs me over to get inside.

“Master Jedi, I’m Brentisha Necktowallawalla, Chief Envoy for the Vatali Medical Service Corps. I’ve been sent here to bring you to the Haven Class Station to meet with our head Medical Officers to discuss what we’re planning to do about the Kiast outbreak of the Nox Virus. Please come quick. We don't have much time!”

I’m like, “ok, wait what station?”

“You know, the one above Kiast. We don’t have a name for it because we’re leaving it up to a people vote, but it’s up there and I have to get you there.”

Now, I’m getting a bit chilly because I’m still wet and standing there in my robe, so I tell the guy, “I need to get dressed then we will leave immediately.”

Nope, not good enough for that guy. He grabs by arm and pulls me out of the house to a shuttle he parked unnecessarily far away. Theatrics must be this guy’s thing.

So we get to the station and he’s shaking. Not like a little turbulence shaking, but full on, full body spasms. Liz would have loved to watch the guy, but probably would have killed him for walking in on her getting out of the shower. Anyway, we dock and are practically running through the corridors to this meeting I HAD to be a part of.

Finally we got to this meeting hall and he burst through the door. Pretty much like he did back at the house but immediately gets down on one knee and bows. There are more, what I had assumed were nobles standing around in both fancy robes and medical attire. Now picture this. Me in a robe standing in front of a bunch of Vatali nobles with the vibrating idiot on my left. Crazy right?

One of them finally says something, “Glad you could join us, Master Jedi. I’m Doctor Summeroff with the Vatali Medical Service Corps.”

Right? Like “thanks bud, glad to be here” is what I wanted to say but instead I went with the more diplomatic, “I hear there is civil unrest as a result of the Nox Virus. What can Odan-Urr do to help?”

I walked over to the table at the center of the room, but not before giving a “friendly nudge” to the idiot still bowing on the floor. I’m not even joking. He was still there. Made this really weird noise too when he lost balance. Ah, should have been there.

So I’m looking at this map of Foothold. They start showing me where the insurrectionists are and relate that to important government building and such. Good to know because I hadn’t been on Foothold in quite some time. But anyway, it’s a fairly serious problem so naturally I start making my calls. SeNet was the first one, as I know the Sentinels have the city pretty much fully scooped out. What info they had was helpful. The people are scared and need a cure is the word on the street and I sympathize. I do. It can be a scary thing. Especially if your government is still trying to put itself together after two very recent conflicts. But eh, that's why we’re here.

After about, maybe 20 minutes of wrangling up various assets to aid in bringing control to Foothold, I board a shuttle and make my way down to the surface. What shuttle? One of those T-4as I had to buy without anyone knowing. No, not his. That piece of crap looked worse than your wife in the morning. Hahaha, I’m joking. She’s sweet. When is she making that roast again? It was amazing. Ah, good, I’ll bring the booze.

Back to the story, we land on Foothold and the place is just a wreck. Panels are torn off the sides of the structures. Garbage is everywhere. Stuff is one fire. Just a mess. So as more landing parties arrive, I start giving them orders to fan out. Looking first for any injured. None found. Then we come to this barricaded part of the city.

Right, they used the panels to build a wall. I’m at the entrance, still in my robe, and I call for their leader.

Now, you’re going to think I’m making this up but if you’ve been listening, what actually happened is weirder than anything I could ever possibly fabricate. So this skinny, pale human with blue hair, tattoos and piercings walks out.

“Are you the leader of this little group?”

“Yes. We have declared this our territory and by you being here, you’re showing aggression towards us. I demand that you leave.”

Yeah, I know. It gets better.

So I look at this kid, who by the way couldn’t be any older than 13? Maybe 15 tops? I don’t know.

“Well what you’re doing here. You have to stop. I’m asking you to disband and go about your business. If there are any injured, you can release them to us so we can provide them with care.”

The little pale creature went from a soft pink to a bright red and began to speak louder. “You have no authority here. We declare this our safe space. You can leave.”

“Nah, not going to happen. Look, I understand the times are tough and you are all scared. I get it. I’m scared to,” don’t laugh, I was being diplomatic, “But we need to return this city back to normal.”

Then the little shit got really angry and started stomping up and down. “No! You have no authority here. This is our space and you need to leave!”

At this point, I’ve had it. I was ripped out of my house, brought to a meeting with nobles, still in my robe and now being screamed at by a tiny human inches away from my face while there is a massive virus going around. No, I wasn’t having a good day. You think I handled it well? I guess. Oh that didn’t last long after getting hit with a bottle. Yeah, some idiot threw a bottle at me. Hit me right in the chest. Nah, didn’t hurt too bad. I looked down at where it hit, then looked at the bottle on the ground. My eyes must have been burning red because when I looked at the little red human, oh man. Frozen with fear. So I grabbed the kid by the collar and looked that little shit in the eyes.

“If you don’t cut this shit out, I’m going to end this very quickly. So who do you want to end your little party. You or me?”

Hell yeah I said that. No, I made sure nobody heard it. Can’t have Jedi threatening children you know. It’s not a good look. Hahaha.

Well that worked because a second later a little puddle gathered on the ground under the kid. Why would I lie about that? I did, literally that. So I put the, now trembling and sniffling human back down and motioned to open up the “main gate.”

Things went back to normal shortly after. We didn’t charge the kid with anything. A few ruffians who resisted Sanitation were arrested but for the most part everyone was just relaxed. Oddly enough.

Yeah we have vaccines out now. It’s about time right? So that was my Friday night. You guys up for a game of craps at the casino?

**Revak Kur**
*Pin 12565*

3rd place
Elyon de Neverse
File submission
Elyon - Help Us Odan-Urr, You're Our Only Hope!.pdf
No placement