01: In the EU, what was special about Hans's pants.
Corellian Bloodstripe
02: This iconic Stormtrooper weapon is based on what British weapon that served in WW II and Korea?
British Sterling Mk IV submachine gun
03: In a behind-the-scenes look during the filming of Episode VI, Carrie Fisher got to know some of the people
who were playing the parts of the denizens of Jabba's Palace. What item made her so popular.
her bikiny
04: This prominent figure of Star Wars was seen on the set of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
wearing a shirt that was made after the Special Edition of Episode Four had Greedo firing his blaster first.
Han Solo
05: In Episode One, What piece of lady's personal care equipment was used as a communicator?
lady’s razor
06: Many people know the iconic lightsaber of Luke and Anakin Skywalker. But what was its real world function
before being turned into a lightsaber.
DIY project
07: In the scene in Episode One where Anakin turns on and interacts with C-3PO. There is a tool on the wall. what
is it in the real world?
plastic lacrosse scoop
08: When Cobb Vanth is handed a drinking vessel by a Jawa. What is the drinking vessel in real life?
09: In Season One, Episode 7. In one of the interior scenes involving IG-11. There is a piece of vintage camping
equipment. What is it?
10: Apparently, the Rebel Alliance is rather credit-strapped. In one scene of Episode Five, Dak Ralter's seat
restraints have this particular on them.
11: This EU character made a cameo in Episode One during the crowd scene of the Boonta Eve Pod Race.
Warwick Davis
12: During the filming of Episode One, what used as a substitute for people during the crowd scene of the Boonta
Eve podrace?
13: Grogu's carrier has been a very helpful thing. But what was it in real life?
14: This Japanese actor was quite the inspiration for many American actors. It was rumored that George Lucas
approached him to play the part of Darth Vader or Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Toshiro Mifune
15: This originally EU ship first appeared in the game, Shadows of the Empire. It was seen on the big screen in the
Special Edition of Episode four. What ship was it?
16: What comic book character did George Lucas use as research before he started writing Star Wars?
Flash Gordon/ Valerian
17: First appearing in Episode Four. This location has been turned into a Star Wars-themed hotel?
Galactic Starcruiser
18: What Star Wars character was inspired by George Lucas's dog?
19: Many people have tried to get into Star Wars films over the years. Name two stars who might have played the
part of Han Solo and Princess Leia?
Han Solo: Christopher Walken, Kurt Russell, Sylvester Stallone
Leia Organa: Jodie Foste, Cindy Williams
20: Many people say that there was a major rivalry between Star Wars and Star Trek. But that might not have
been the case from a business perspective. In fact, ILM was hired to work on a Star Trek film. What film was it
and what was the prop in question?
21: George Lucas used many old movie shots for Episode Four. From what genre did he use for the space battles?