Competition: What's on the Menu?

What's on the Menu?

Your job is to design a menu for the Jedi Praxeum.

The menu has to include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The breakfast can be the same thing for all 7 days. (Think typical cafeteria stuff)

Lunch should have some variety, although you will be allowed to get away with a buffet and salad bar. BUT you must have a soup that changes each day if you do this.

Dinner must be something different each night.

You can choose to set up the dining hall as a cafeteria style or as a restaurant. Just remember you will need multiple items on the menu if you choose the latter.

All foods must be from the Star Wars universe and can be found in the wookipedia (Canon and Legends are permitted). I understand that not EVERYTHING will be available. That is fine. Terran food names can be used in a pinch.

As it is a menu the final aspect of this comp is to present it as such. Think of the menus you have seen for 1 week of served food and expand on that.

Submitted entries should be in .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, or .png formats.

Please have the script in Galatic Standard. I do not want to have to translate from Aurebesh.

Grading will be as follows:

Creativity of the menu and following the prompt of the meal requirements 40%

Visual Presentation 30%

Spelling/Grammar 15%

Fun use of Star Wars content 15%

Awards will be 3rd level cresents.

Competition Information
Organized by
Warden Benn Nevis
Running time
2021-05-13 until 2021-06-05 (24 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
File submission
1st place