Competition: [RoS: Escalation Phase I] Fiction - A Venue to Die For

[RoS: Escalation Phase I] Fiction - A Venue to Die For
This competition is in the [RoS: Escalation Phase I] Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 8.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


The escalating conflict between the Tenixir Revenants and the Severian Principate has come to a head on the lush, watery world of Dandoran, following a Hutt auction including an item of interest to multiple factions and cartels. Targets are fluid, marauders may strike at any moment, and the advantage of terrain (or the high ground!) can turn the tide of a conflict.

Mirroring the style of existing ACC Venues, create a new ACC venue on the world of Dandoran where a conflict between these factions or their supporters might occur. Dandoran is known for hiding cartel operations and once operated a secret Imperial research facility.

Venue Tips

Basic venue descriptions generally include some of the following:

  • weather details
  • buildings, terrain, obstacles
  • anything visual that could inform the participants or be used in their writing


Entries must be submitted in .pdf, .doc or .docx format, or within the submission text field. To save a PDF from Google Docs, just go to File, Download, PDF Document.


Venues will be graded on:

  • Syntax
  • Originality
  • Quality of Details
  • Suitability for the ACC/Combat Writing
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rite of Supremacy: Escalation
Organized by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, Mistress Aphotis
Running time
2021-05-30 until 2021-06-13 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
78 subscribers, of which 65 have participated.
1st place
James Malum
James Malum
James Malum opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
2nd place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
Dandoran_ Vault of Voracity.pdf
2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
RoS Escalation P1 Dandoran Venue .pdf
Textual submission

Image credits on last page

3rd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Moff Alethia Archenksova opted out of publishing her submission.
4th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Dandoran - Abandoned Outpost.pdf
Textual submission

I can convert it to Markdown as needed. Attached in PDF format.

5th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
Dandoran_ A'Salt Lagoon.pdf
Textual submission

See attached.

6th place
Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
Textual submission

Dandoran: Fields of Promiscuity Livestock Holding

The engineers at Kalevala Spaceworks would pale in despair at seeing one of their renowned luxury yachts packed full of filthy livestock, but Py'zah the Hutt demands he be served only the freshest ingredients, and the simplest way to ensure the quality of his meals is by slaughtering his food on-site. The Fields of Promiscuity has facilities to hold both predator and prey, catering to any taste, however mundane or exotic.

The livestock holding deck of the yacht has been separated into two areas, in order to keep the more bloodthirsty of Py'zah's meals away from their natural prey. The herbivore stock are kept in tidy rows of individual stalls, much like speeders in a parking lot covered with manure slurry, separated only by durasteel rails and troughs full of water and sedative-laced slop—all the better to keep the various breeds of animal from getting too rowdy and attempting to stampede. Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the deck, restless predators are left to stew in durasteel-floored cages, with the scent of the prey livestock pumped through the air to keep them on the edge of a feeding frenzy. Some of these cages are unoccupied, doors left open so they can more easily be sprayed down by the ship's crew.

The "processing area"—a kind name for the bloody business of butchering meat—takes up the middle quarter of the holding deck. Py'zah insists that the cuts of meat are prepared by the traditional method of "carving it up with an enormous knife", claiming that more technologically-advanced methods create a noticeable difference in taste. Thus, butcher droids (reprogrammed protocol units, rather than combat models) go about their work at massive steel tables in the midst of conveyor belts to carry the choicest cuts to the kitchen, and bins full of "waste" cuts given to the predators as meals.

7th place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr opted out of publishing his submission.
8th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
Phase 1 Venue.pdf
Textual submission

I hope this one brings home the bacon, though it might be a bit too cheesy.

9th place
10th place
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
10th place
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
Pod Racing Venue.pdf
No placement
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

Cinder-Tail Spaceport

Py'zah the Hutt wants visitors to Dandoran to get a positive first impression when disembarking from their journeys. The Cinder-tail spaceport is a meticulously kept facility with recently constructed buildings lined with gold and flashing lights. The thoroughfares of the spaceport are lined with gaudy merchant stands and faux-high class restaurants.

Outside of the main thoroughfare is the underbelly of the spaceport where “the help” lives with incomplete or rundown buildings that do not fit the illusion of wealth created on the main avenues. There is an open air blackmarket in the rundown part of the spaceport where those not concerned with maintaining an air of legitimacy can pry their wares.

No placement
Reaper Heiken Akechi
Textual submission

Small ringed atoll full of white sandy beaches and spare vegetation. The inner pool is about three meters deep in the middle. Colorful tropical fish can be seen swimming around the area. Calm waves and a slight breeze carrying the smell of the sea.

No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
ACC Venue Race Track.pdf
No placement
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Starstruck Island

The island below your shuttle, known as Starstruck Island is surrounded by an ominous shimmering veil and is surrounded by jagged rocks jutting out of the turbulent waters which cut it off from the rest of the world. The veil: most  likely smoke from the denizens of Dandoran, their forced community, setup in the midst of what was once an Island oasis, has been plagued by the slimy fist of the Hutts. On this island, criminals, vagabonds, cheaters, and swindlers have been left to rot. Their narrow survival is a message to would-be travellers, that the Hutts of Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel are vile in nature and unforgiving when handing down judgement. 

The entirety of the island itself resembles a shanty town. Makeshift buildings stacked on top of one another, dark windy paths form streets, a flimsy government formed by those strong enough to bully their way to the top, and sandy grit dominate the landscape. The island is devoid of flora and fauna making survival dependent on resource drops that the lawless of Starstruck are forced to fight over. With a heavy taste of salt in the air, thirst increases, as well as hunger. These resource drops are the lifeblood of the island and it’s chaotic economical structure as they are used as leverage to buy loyalty or simply dangled in front of the needy and wielded as bargaining chips. For those wanting to escape? It’s ill-advised, the waters are teeming with predatory creatures such as the notorious firaxan shark and security drones police the perimeter; ready to seek and destroy anyone attempting to flee. 

It is believed that this was the site of a great battle between the Revenants and Principate, for below the surface, located in the cavernous veins carved by water, artifacts of unknown origin lay dormant, ripe for plunder. However, winter at your own risk, as at any moment, these caverns can become underwater tombs.

(4215) Ranco Pateesa, COU

Expansionist Faction

No placement
Dr. Rhylance
File submission
Venue Creation Submission.pdf
No placement
Aedile Raistlin
File submission
No placement
Malisane Sadow
Textual submission

Dandoran – The Factory

Far from the lights and glamour of the hotels, the casinos and the pleasure barges, lays a squat grey stone building in a rocky deserted area of the planet with emptiness for hundreds of miles in any direction. The building has sheer walls, only small windows, heavy metal doors and a flat roof with weapon turrets and small shuttle bays. A century or more ago this used to be the harshest maximum security facility on the planet, where local and off world prisoners served their sentences with little hope of early release or rescue. Now it is an even more sinister place than before, for this is where the helpless who owe money to the Hutts try and work off their debts against spiralling interest rates, or slaves brought in to work to death before being replaced.

Much of the original layout of the old prison has been kept, with the small cells off the balcony landings being even more stark and basic for the new residents and those of the overseers are only little better. Below them the large communal areas have been turned over to workstations and assembly lines where the workers toil for eighteen hours a day with only short breaks in between. Everything from electronics to basic food stuffs to narcotics have their own area, and the overseers walk amongst the pour souls labouring watching for signs of slacking or theft and are ready to use a shock rod for any transgression.

The lighting is dim , the only lights being those hanging from the balconies above or smaller lamps above the more specialist workstations. There are a large number of competing smells from damp and mould, sweat and body odour, stale dropped food and melted plastic, merging into a general miasma that pervades over the area so long that those there barely notice it but immediately hits anyone entering like an assault.

The Factory is a place of despair and hopelessness. A few come believing they can work off their debt and leave, but soon reality hits and then acceptance. There is no escape from the factory, unless one is willing to fight their way out and get others to do so. And only the boldest or most desperate would be prepared to make an attempt to leave, or take the place for themselves and free those within, or become their new master.

No placement
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
File submission
307 - A Venue To Die For.pdf
No placement
Vahrosa De
File submission
Venue to Die For DJB.pdf
No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Dandoran: Chemical Processing Plant
Hidden away within one of the forests of Dandoran is a major source of wealth for the Hutt clan, a Chemical Processing Plant. As a source of revenue the building has been invested heavily in by the Hutts. Built with a reinforced durasteel/Beskar alloy and protected by a domed ray shield that can be deployed at any time the building can withstand even a planetary bombardment. The building is also protected by several automated turrets, which a skilled slicer may be able to make use of for their own purposes.
The inside of the building is filled with forced laborers and scientists who work tirelessly to produce military combat stims and illegal spice to appease the endless greed of the Hutts. Various chemicals bubble in test tubes at the science quarter while the spice is manufactured along an assembly line worked by slaves.
While the outside has a temperate forest climate the interior of the building alternates between sweltering heat with air filled with chemical fumes to remarkably chilly when the drugs need to be preserved and packed.

No placement
Sage Enzo Dek
Textual submission

The Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel Remodeled Battle Royale Arena

Once a bustling entrance hall that served as a focal point between the Principate and the Revenants, the Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel Remodeled Battle Royale Arena now sits as the best place in the Casino to watch a fight go down. Having found a new area to call their grand entrance, the former entrance now sits almost untouched but with scores of blaster bolts, slug remnants, and lightsaber scars.

With cameras and holofeeds pointing at every part of the arena, there’s no need for seats or a dais to watch the violence unfold. The slot machines, gambling tables, pleasure poles, and side tables were left in place so as to not disturb the aesthetic. With still fully stocked bars, moveable objects, and multiple bulbous rooms interconnected with each other, fighters can really get into the space and use their surroundings to their best advantage, whether Force user or not. White metallic walls with posters of hedonistic and promiscuous aliens entice not only the combatants, but serve as adverts for those watching the screen. Drones also exist to see fights from different angles (they are fully insured because they are expected to be a part of the fight).
Combatants can expect to hear cantina sounds in the background, as if they are fighting in their favorite barroom brawl. Robot servant droids also exist to serve the guests who don’t exist. Combatants should expect these droids to be easily influenced by words or programs to become death machines, wielding blasters, knives, and unconventional weapons around them. Combatants may also be confused by the occasional light flicker and power outage that not so accidentally occurs in the arena itself.

Combatants who wish to bring the brawl outside of the arena can expect to be tortured by being attached and tied to the floor and serve as a carpet to visiting Hutts who may or may not suffocate you with their oozing, wrinkly skin. Victors and losers on both ends cannot be guaranteed medical attention. They will be paid in wupiupi, considering credits are rarely worth anything out here.

No placement
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
File submission
No placement
File submission
Dandoran_ .pdf
No placement
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
No placement
File submission
The Dandoran poachers camp.pdf
No placement
Elyon de Neverse
File submission
Elyon - A Venue to Die For.pdf
No placement
Raleien Sonavarret
File submission
No placement
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Textual submission

Cavern of Shadows

Located on Umbra,a small island in the southern hemisphere of Dandora, the Cavern of Shadows is a nexus point of the Force.

Hidden on the backside of a small hill behind a near vertical cliff on the seashore, the entrance to the large cave is covered by a cover of overgrown shrubs that obscure the small entrance. Above the island, the weather is almost in a perpetual state of storm fronts. Lightning and thunder abound as it rains almost all of the time on the island.

The plant life is more tropical than the majority of the planet, and the wild life is extremley limited due to its geographic location and over hunting by the indigenous life forms.

The cavern itself consists of a large cave with water slowly dripping down the sides of the limestone walls. Gray stalagmites surround the edges of the walls, but there is a large area of space in the center that is available for dueling.

No placement
General Zentru'la
Textual submission

Dandoran Wildlife Centre

Leathery sheets of rain lash across the Dandoran Wildlife Centre, home to exotic and dangerous beasts from across the galaxy and a long-standing major source of income for the Hutt clans under the guise of providing education to Tipool city. On a nicer day the centre would be packed with families of paying tourists, but few have braved the raging storm and the paths between the enclosures lie empty.

Ageing cages of steel mesh sway in the harsh wind, struggling to hold themselves together. A canyon krayt dragon, a long way from home, unleashes a thundering roar at the offending climate. A mudhorn bellows back, rising to the dragon's challenge.

Tipool residents have long raised safety concerns over housing so many dangerous beasts in the city, fearing the catastrophic effect a security failure could have on the local residents. However, the animals remain safe in their enclosures... for now.

No placement
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Master Bentre Stahoes opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
File submission
A Venue to Die For - Farrin.docx
No placement
Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Bryar Bowl Champion Benevolent Taldrya Whiner opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Warlord Kai Movar
File submission
A Venue to Die For.docx
No placement
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
File submission
Dandoran- Mynock Grotto.docx
No placement
Doon Sulvir
File submission
_A Venue to Die For - Dandoran _ Sunken Laboratory.pdf
Textual submission

Who doesn't love Water levels?

No placement
Jafits Skrumm
Jafits Skrumm opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Rian Taldrya
Rian Taldrya opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Cello opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Crysenia Orainn
File submission
Venue Comp 13 June 21.pdf
No placement
Battlelord Ra'gnar
Battlelord Ra'gnar opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Creon Neverse
Creon Neverse opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
File submission
Selika Roh - 2632 - ACC.pdf
No placement
Epis Locke Sonjie
Textual submission

Secret Imperial Research Facility

This secret facility is in a dilapidated state. There are blinking lights overhead and hazy holographic displays that turn on and off at random. Exposed wiring runs along the floor of corridors and the ceilings alike, occasionally producing a spark as it wears out over time.

The corridors are stark white that is marred by years of neglect, mushrooms and other plants capable of growing underground in the dim light sprouting up between durasteel plates and vines snaking around wires. Small rodents and other animals scamper through the abandoned corridors, generally shy, but curious. Some, it is rumored, are remnants of an old Imperial experiment, and may be more dangerous than the average rodent.
Research labs are strewn with broken glass and beakers filled with anomalous liquids that have long since grown over with mold and mildew. Some creatures still float inside old tanks filled with water, mutated and twisted from what they once were.

At the heart of the facility are several labs that are different from the others. Diagrams of humanoid species line the walls. Several tables occupy this area. There are containment tanks as in the outer sections, but the liquid in these has grown dark and murky, obscuring what may be within – if anything at all. Glowing control panels sit outside some tanks, and terminals still hum with energy elsewhere in the lab. The ancient blast doors that once protected these labs from outside incursion – or sealed something else within – have long since malfunctioned; some move haphazardly back and forth, while

No placement
Ryan Hawkins
Textual submission

Dandoran: Glade of Atrocity

The sterile and heartless science of the Imperial war machine still lies buried in even the most beautiful and sylvan settings of this world.

The glade in front of you is a small clearing surrounded by lush, beautiful trees and verdant plant life. The sounds of animals and buzzing insects along with the rush of a rushing brook in the distance. The further one walks into the center of the glade the more quiet the sounds become and you notice that while the grass and flowers remain intact you notice that every insect or animal you see near the center of the glade is dead.

A couple of rusted, grown-over hatches underfoot reveal the reason. This glade is home to the underground testing area of Project Errant Petal, an Imperial bioweapons project focusing on the integration of the Dark Side of the Force and alchemy with conventional pathogens to create targeted and highly destructive bioweapons. Experiments included weapons which would target non-human fauna but not plant and agricultural resources to enable the genocide of a planetary population without destroying its agricultural resources and output along with a project to target non-human/alien populations via a Dark Side infused pathogen distributed in the nearby brook, resulting in the death of a largely non-human smuggler/trading village downstream.

While the weather is usually sunny and pleasant year round the after effects of the bioweapons along with the incredible concentration of Dark Side energy resulting from the experiments and massacres involved make the area beautiful but extremely dangerous. Dark Side spirits from Force users involved in the project and its atrocities may remain. While a lot of the underground facility was cleared out in a panic by evacuating Imperials wishing to avoid war crimes tribunals from the New Republic, some evidence of the former experimentation may remain, with the sterile white corridors of the facility appearing relatively new, protected from the elements and time.

No placement
Dr. Malfrost Xeon
File submission
ACC Venue Submission.pdf
No placement
Warlord Hades
File submission
Fiction - A Venue to Die For.pdf
No placement
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

### [Scenario]: Promiscuity: The Pool of Sim-posium

The Fields of Promiscuity have been tailored specifically to the liking sand ostentatious needs of his grace, Py'zah the Hutt. While the immense yacht has refurbishments and attractions each notable in their own design, one of the prized entertainment locations is the pool of Simposium.

Unlike the pool deck reserved for the Hutt's waterworks adventures, this pool deck wets a different appetite. Meticulously spaced upon the waxed wroshyr wood deck to the right are large tables, who's seating easily accommodates a vast variety of species space needs. Various plants decorate the banister resting between the dining area to the large pool. The pool itself looks to be carved from natural stone. The floor of it appears to be designed with a topographic affect of mountains viewed from above. Set along the far wall, directly in sight of Py'zah the Hutt's socialite throne, is a control center. It's responsible for maintaining the humidity, tempature, and other technological variables of the pool deck.

You find yourself invited to attend one of Py'zah's glorious soirees. After a night of fine dining, the pool was opened for swimming. Partaking in the cool waters, it slowly starts to be apparent that something is off. The water levels appeared to be declining and the ladder is missing!

With the water depleted, the pool gives way to a landscape of racks and chlorinated ponds. Panels in the rocky sides open to display rhe weapons sequestered from each guest to security before the event.

Py'zah's butler announces on a holospeaker that tonight's entertainment will be a fight to the death. Last one standing wins a hefty prize.

No placement
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Textual submission

Dandoran cave system.

Unknown to many tourists and wealthy party goers of Tipool City, but there is an elaborate cave system within the bedrock. This cave system can be accessed from certain points along the Nevo Race Track, specifically where the track meets the cliffs. There are also a few hidden entrances to the underground system from various places within the city itself. Some had entrances before the city was built, possibly made into storerooms for expensive wines and goods for the casino or palaces deepest points. Other entrances within the city were carved out to access the caves, possibly by smugglers.

The caves themselves are fairly dry and cool, while there are certain places within the system that contain small underground pools and rivers. Some phosphorescent flora and some fauna inhabit sections of the cave system. Some sections of cave are home to smugglers and pirates, while others are empty and lifeless. Who knows what dangers one can discover, for this vast system has not been fully explored yet.

No placement
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
The Valley.pdf
No placement
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Textual submission

Set in the run-off area for the Garganta Galleria Casino Hotel The Pits are a maze of trash, toxic runoff, and whatever other waste that comes out of the casino. The Pits are set away from the actual Casino and Hotel. The area is mired in mud and pools of liquid that are beyond identification. Various machines once meant to bury or clean up the waste lay littered about the area. Various pipes and chutes continually drain into the area. Some have become stopped up due to lack of maintenance. The force behind them can cause them to erupt with massive force raining down waste and debris on combatants.

Not sacrificing profits the Hutt Py’zah halted all waste treatment operations at the location and turned the toxic dump into a deathmatch venue. Py’zah has erected floating viewing barges for what has become the most sought-after deathmatch venue on the planet.

Not sacrificing profits the Hutt Py’zah halted all waste treatment operations at the location and turned the toxic dump into a deathmatch venue. Py’zah has erected floating viewing barges for what has become the most sought-after deathmatch venue on the planet.

No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
File submission
ACC Venue.docx
No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
File submission
RoS - Venue Creation.pdf
No placement
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Textual submission

Nevo Race Track Pod Racer Garage

Built into a cliff face below one of the main spectator stands next to the starting line, the garage contains 20 individual stalls along the back wall opposite the main doors to the track. Along the front wall there are a number of necessities needed for each pod Racer. These include an inspection stall for ensuring compliance with the regulations and to make sure nobody is obviously cheating and no weapons systems are mounted on the racers Pod. The inspection stall is filled with scanners and tools for the inspector team to do a very thorough investigation of the pod racer before they approve it. There are two security droids posted there for the teams safety to avoid any misunderstandings with teams caught cheating. Next to the inspections stall is the Bulk fuel storage containing four large fuel tanks that take up the rest of the wall. Each with a main line that goes out to the exterior pit area before splitting to each of the exterior pit stalls for mid race refueling. This area and all the piping is clearly marked in yellow and red paint to tell any would be fighters to avoid shooting in that direction. The Hutts put a high degree of importance on securing their money making assets and have installed a large beskar cage around the fuel depot to avoid any errant mishaps. The fuel depot is also guarded by two security droids whose only parameter is to keep unauthorized or unwanted personnel from entering.

A Hutt run establishment wouldn't be complete without a fairly large gambling center and bar. On the opposite side of the door on the exterior wall is an elevated lounge area equipped with a caged off bookies nook for taking bets on the races. The rest of the raised platform is lined with a full bar and tables and chairs for the crews to lounge and enjoy the racer while throwing back a few. The Hutts spared no expense in the lounge area with Krayt dragon leather seating and Kashyyykian wood table tops. This area has been known for extra curricular activities and has two more security droids assigned to keep the peace.

Two more security droids are at the entrance to the garage to ensure spectators can't sneak in and bother the crews or their favorite racer. The droids main function is to keep the peace but they are directly controlled by the Hutts who are known to let a scuffle go if they can place bets on the fight. The security droids are more of a referee than a security measure in most instances.

The "Nest", as many crews have come to call it is an oval room above the main door that can see out both the front of the garage and into the garage. This room is used by the announcers and broadcasters to give prerace broadcasts as well as call all the action from the race. This rooms broadcasting array is state of the art and is tasked with sending the video from their numerous camera droids around the track, the stands, and the garage to the large megatron video screens to provide for the juiciest action for the race fans across the city and across the galaxy.

In the center of the garage is a two lane causeway for the podracers to travel along to get to the inspection stall or the track and is marked with lights to divide it. The walls and floor are entirely durasteel. Giving the garage a very clean and upkept look.

No placement
Dr. Aru Law
Textual submission

Casino Hub

Within Garganta Galleria Casino Hotels many buildings, lies the main Hub, the biggest of them hall. It’s there you will find all the colorful and noisy slot machines, the Pazaac tables and the Sabacc suites.

The Hub is a dim lighted labyrinth of tables, credits and most of all, people. It is quite easy to get lost amidst all the chaos. There are three levels that can be accessed in the Hub.

The Main level is a circular floor with a big stage in the center that rotates when the bands are playing live. To the north, opposite to the entrance, you can find a huge bar area where the most exquisite and extravagant drinks can be acquired. By the entrance, several clerks will trade your credits for betting chips or vice-versa. The floors are made of orange marble with beautiful gray-like veins. Several carpets of the finest silk are spread along the floor.

On the second level, the high betting tables of Sabacc and Pazaac are located. The second floor is a circular balcony that allows view to the first floor, and also a privileged view of the stage in the middle.

On the third level are the private VIP booths where one can indulge in more pleasurable activities. All the best treatment experiences are available there, from delicate massages to private dances, to exotic food and beverage tasting.

No placement
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Hotel Venue.pdf
No placement
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
File submission
Dandoran ACC.docx
No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

Dandoran Lumber Yards

This once heavily-forested region shows signs of the complete disregard the Imperials had for the planets they occupied. The trees that remain at the edge of the clear-cut only survived by simple luck at being outside of the scything action of the Imperial engineers. The burned out hulks of machines and buildings are proof of the desolation that awaits anything that falls out of favour with the Imperials and their successors.

You look around and spot a handful of small lumber lifts packed together, appearing like a pack of metallic, tusked animals huddling together for warmth. You know that it was likely just where they were last parked before the conflagration hit the yard, but the imagery of beasts sheltering is just too vivid to shake.

The faint breeze brings the distinctive smell of rot to your senses, prompting you to break your attention from the rusting machinery and over to a nearby pole that looks newly installed. As you focus on it, you can see the gentle sway of half a corpse - rodian you'd guess, but it's hard to tell after being exposed to the elements - hanging from the top of the post. This gruesome sight is a reminder of the real power-broker in the area, Py'zah the Hutt, and that you should tread carefully while in their territory.

No placement