After being postponed for a year, the European soccer championships are due to begin on the 11th of June! This competition is a simple 'pick the winner' for each group and knock out game in the competition.
The link to join the pool is below. The pool password is djbsoccer.
Go to that link, enter your details and sign up. Once you're in, click on the Edit Picks tab and make your picks for the group stage. Don't forget to hit Submit Picks! Below the Submit Picks button is a tie breaker. Make sure you enter that for overall placement in the competition in the case of a tie.
The group stage runs until the 23rd of June. Then, you will have until the 26th to make your picks for the Round of 16, the 2nd of July for the Quarter-finals, the 6th of July for the Semi-finals and the 11th for the Final itself so don't forget to log back in to make your picks for the knock out phase. Don't worry though, I'll send everyone an email before the deadline. Have fun!
1st place
3rd place
4th place
General Zentru'la
5th place
Dr. Aru Law
6th place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
7th place
Aedile Raistlin
8th place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
9th place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
10th place
Tasha'Vel Versea