Competition: [RoS: Escalation Phase II] Fiction - Space Shanties and Pirate Songs

[RoS: Escalation Phase II] Fiction - Space Shanties and Pirate Songs
This competition is in the [RoS: Escalation Phase II] Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 5 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 5.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


With the rise of the Tenixir Revenants, curious tunes have begun to echo down the halls of starships and ring from casino pubs, lifting the spirits of workers and marking every conflict between the pirates and imperials with a memorable rhythm.

Write the words of one of these space shanties or pirate songs in the context of the conflict between the Tenixir Revenants and Severian Principate. You may write from any perspective, regardless of your pledged faction, but you must do so using one of the following formats:

Space Shanty

Traditional sea shanties were crude, rhythmic, call-and-response songs invented to help sailors complete tasks that required precise teamwork - like hoisting a sail or raising anchor by pulling a line at the same time. The leader, or shantyman, would call out new verses and the crew would respond with a simple, repetitive chorus, pulling in time with the task, e.g:

I thought I heard the Old Man say,
Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Tomorrow, you will get your pay
And it’s time for us to leave her!

In the age of space-faring, technology has largely eliminated the need for such songs, but why spoil the fun? Your task is to invent a space shanty in a similar style that could be used to complete any task as a team.

  • Write a short scene where your sea shanty is being sung. You can write this as set-up context with the full shanty lyrics following immediately beneath, or you can intersperse your shanty lyrics into the scene as dialogue. This should collectively be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 2000 words.
  • Your sea shanty must use a call-and-response format as described above.
  • Rhythm is crucial! Your entry must include a link to a song that matches the rhythm of your sea shanty. If you invented your own tune, feel free to record it and include a link to that, instead, but a YouTube link to an existing song with a matching rhythm is just as acceptable!

Pirate Song

Where sea shanties were designed around work at sea, sea songs might be sung anywhere for a variety of reasons (or moods!) and took a variety of forms. More often than not, however, they told a story. Your task is to write a pirate song (or general “space” song) that tells a story from the events of the conflict between the Tenixir Revenants and the Severian Principate.

  • Write a song in the style of the old sea and pirate songs following the guidelines described above. Your entry should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 2000 words. You may include a short introductory scene as part of the word count, but the majority of your story must be told by your song in order to qualify.
  • Your pirate song does not need to follow any specific format, but it should have some rhythm or rhyme that allows it to be sung.
  • Your entry must include a link to a song that matches the tune of your song. If you invented your own, feel free to record it and include a link to that, instead, but a YouTube link to an existing song with a matching tune is just as acceptable!


Submissions will be accepted within the competition text field or via PDF. Song sample links should be provided as links somewhere within the text of the entry.

Grading Criteria

  • Adherence to the structure of your chosen form (sea shanties must use call-and-response and pirate songs must tell a story in verse form, but particularly appropriate or well-composed rhythms, tunes and structure will score higher).
  • How well the shanty or song fits within the context of the Tenixir and Principate conflict.
  • Mechanics of spelling and grammar (within the realm of poetic license).
  • Overall creativity and story-telling.

Examples / Inspiration

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rite of Supremacy: Escalation
Organized by
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Running time
2021-06-20 until 2021-07-06 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
35 subscribers, of which 16 have participated.
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
RoS Sea Shanty(1).pdf
Textual submission


2nd place
3rd place
Dr. Aru Law
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Revenants Hymn.pdf
3rd place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
RoS Escalation Ph2, Space Shanties & Pirate Songs (Shanty!).pdf
Textual submission

To the tune of 'Santiana', as in the embedded link in the doc

4th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
File submission
Sea Shanty_Aura10388 (1).pdf
Textual submission

Song source: (Moby Duck)

5th place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
File submission
The Death of the Interdictor Geta.pdf
6th place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
File submission
[RoS_ Escalation] Space Shanties_Diyrian.pdf
Textual submission

Based on the [Rattle Them Winches tune](

7th place
Nightsister Sinya Ani
Textual submission

The Tenixir Revenant’s CR70 pushed its way through the Doran star system. Soon it would arrive at Dondoran and thrust into a battle no one thought they could win. The Principate fleet had already been spotted setting up a blockade around the neural Hutt world. The Retributionists were outgunned and outnumbered, and they knew it.

The dour mood saturated the bridge as Rasha entered. She looked around at the scared faces and saw death. If they went into battle like this, it would be a short engagement indeed.

“What’s with the long faces? Soon we will have the opportunity to take the fight to the enemy. What we do here today matters. It matters more than you could possibly realize.” Rasha’s speech did little to raise their spirits. But she wasn’t done. She knew a defeated spirit was a defeated army. “For too long have we run. Too long has the Severian Principate enslaved the galaxy. It’s time to stand and fight! It’s time we freed ourselves of tyranny!”

“What do we do with a Principate soldier?”
she queried. “Hmm? Anyone?” She paused…”We kill that tyrant!”

She began to sing a shanty that had been heard around their base over the last few months. Soon everyone had joined in and spirits began to lift and pirates manned their battle stations with gusto!

“What will we do with a Principate soldier?
What will we do with a Principate soldier?
What will we do with a Principate soldier?
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

Stick’em in the belly with a vibrodagger.
Stick’em in the belly with a vibrodagger.
Stick’em in the belly with a vibrodagger.
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

Put them in a airlock, flush’em out.
Put them in a airlock, flush’em out.
Put them in a airlock, flush’em out.
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

Stick’em in a shuttle with a horny Wookie.
Stick’em in a shuttle with a horny Wookie.
Stick’em in a shuttle with a horny Wookie.
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

Put him in a cage with an angry rancor.
Put him in a cage with an angry rancor.
Put him in a cage with an angry rancor.
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

What will we do with a Principate soldier?
What will we do with a Principate soldier?
What will we do with a Principate soldier?
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!

Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
Way hay kill that tyrant.
When e’er you see them!”

Rasha nodded her approval as they spotted the enemy ships. “ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH”

((Shanty to the tune of “Drunken Sailor”))

8th place
9th place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
9th place
Fist Uji Tameike
File submission
Pirate Song - Ira Ojiman.pdf
10th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
The Wynning Shanty.pdf
Textual submission

Entry attached. Lyrics here:

“We are...the Tyris Brothers!
If you're looking for adventure
Then we are your men!
If you want to fly,
On the hyperlanes of space,
Through perilous paths,”
Then we got you!
Some say we’re heros,”
They’re more than men!
We travel the galaxy writing wrongs,
We fight the evils and...dark things,
Tenixir Pirates,
Crazy Crystals!
What I know for sure is
We are the Tyris Brothers,
We are, we are!
OFF TOWARDS....Adventure!

Song: (In the key of Seahawk’s Shanty)

No placement
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Pirate song.pdf
No placement
Ryan Hawkins
Ryan Hawkins opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
File submission
Farrin the Wellerman.docx
No placement
Elyon de Neverse
File submission
Elyon - Pirate's song.pdf
No placement