Competition: Let Me Just Pull Up Your Med File II

Let Me Just Pull Up Your Med File II

When you joined your clan, for whatever reason you did, they would have had you sign some holo-docs. And if you were paying attention to these holo-docs, you would have noticed one of them being a medical history release form. And if you signed that form, well, the Clan knows your every bit of being.

Oh, and they keep that form updated with all your injuries treated from things like wars and some sithspit. Convenient, right? With everything that went down on Dandoran.

What would your character’s medical profile look like? How healthy are they? What’s their family history? Any previous significant injuries or newly treated ones?

You may use either your main, alt, or slotted npc character — or all of them! Doing both does not improve your scoring, however, and only the first character's file in the document will be judged.

In an organized list, include subjects such as:

  • Name, birth date, blood type
  • Emergency contact(s) (family member, friends, other characters…)
  • Primary caregiver
  • Medicines, dosages, and how long taken
  • Allergies/allergic reactions
  • Date of last physical
  • Dates/results of tests and screenings
  • Major illnesses/surgeries/injuries and their dates
  • Chronic diseases
  • Family illness history
  • etc.

Creativity and originality are what entries will be graded upon. So have fun with this and go imagine what biology plays upon your character. No word count is required, although the more details included will increase the scoring. Submissions may be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, and/or text box formats.

Note: I ran this competition first back in 2018. If you had submitted to that competition, take care to create a completely new entry. It may be wise to build a Medical History for a different character than last time.

Competition Information
Organized by
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Running time
2021-07-10 until 2021-08-07 (29 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
22 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
General Zentru'la
File submission
Masakado_s_medical_file (1).pdf
Textual submission

I took a little bit of creative licence with the prompt, but I had a lot of fun writing this!

1st place
2nd place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
General Zxyl Bes'uliik opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Malisane Sadow
Textual submission

Medical Record – SWL Malisane Sadow

Name – Malisane Sadow.
Year of Birth – 10 ABY.
Place of Birth – Kangaras.
Emergency Contact – Captain Cerys Dagen – Orian Warhost.
Medicines Prescribed :

Narcotic Pain Relief – 8 per 24 hour period.
Mood Stabilisers – 2 per 24 hour period.

Known Allergic Reactions:
Extreme reaction to fish & shellfish. Minor reaction to bantha fur. Minor dust allergy.

Previous Medical History:

Physical History:

The patient was caught in large explosion in 26 ABY and was crushed by falling masonry and suffered oxygen starvation. Extreme burn damage was received to ninety percent of body surface and suffered bone breakage to twenty four individual bones, as well as extreme tissue damage including loss of nose and eyelids, and major tearing of mouth and ears.
The patient underwent multiple surgical procedures to rebuild body structure. However the patient refused any facial or skin reconstruction/restoration. See notes below on psychological status.

Since return to active duty in 36 ABY, the patient has suffered an unusual number of near fatal injuries, mostly from combat. Some of these are cause for concern as indicate patient taking unnecessary risks with personal safety . Again see psychosocial notes below.

Psychological History:

When the patient first joined their Clan, their personality and stability raised no obvious concern. The patient was recorded as being hard work, sociable and open with regular and positive interactions with fellow members and others.

However following the above mentioned incident in 26 ABY, the patient seems to have undergone a severe personality shift. At first this was expected and was believed to be related to trauma from accident and long period of medical care and surgical procedures. However following a period of initial withdrawal the patient began to develop symptoms of mistrust, isolation, paranoia and an obsession with their Clan's mission and security. They no longer appear to have any positive relationships within their Clan or with others, and is believed to have spent four years living alone in a cave by the sea, hiding from outside world or others and surviving on what they could forage.

Perhaps the most disturbing factor of the patients mental state was revealed under hypnosis. The patient believes they have been contacted and influenced by a mysterious entity known as the Bastion, which only speaks to the patient and is unknown to other members of their Clan. They refer to undergoing trials this entity put them under, both physical and spiritual, and attribute the above changes in personality to the influence of this entity to make them into a perfect Clan servant. They also claim they are taken to a mysterious location outside time and space to receive instructions or warnings This is clearly a serious delusion and no other members of patients Clan has ever referenced or had any knowledge of this Bastion.

It is recommended patient continues to receive above medication and dosage amended as appropriate.

Family History:

The patients family history is patchy. When asked to complete their medical record the patient recorded that they were the son of a Sith Lord and an unknown mother, born on a lost planet during as a sacrifice during mystical ceremony and was abducted by the mid wife. At first this was believed to be another delusion by the patient, however on closer inspection of Clan history this appears to be disturbingly accurate.

No useful data can be extrapolated from this.

Record Ends.

4th place
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Textual submission

Name, birth date, blood type
Morax Darkblade, 42 BBY, A+

Emergency contact(s) (family member, friends, other characters…)

Primary caregiver

Medicines, dosages, and how long taken

Allergies/allergic reactions

Date of last physical

Dates/results of tests and screenings

Major illnesses/surgeries/injuries and their dates

Chronic diseases

Family illness history

It seems that Morax is in top condition and has no ailments whatsoever. Anzats are perfect :P

No placement
Raleien Sonavarret
Textual submission

Name: Raleien Sonavarret
Date of Birth: 71st planetary rotation, 26 BBY
Blood type: AB+
Emergency contacts: Adept Kamjin Lap'lamiz (Mentor)
Primary caregiver: None, orphan
Family illnesses: Unknown, orphan
Medicines: Sulfur tab, mission dependent, since 10BBY; hydrochlorothiazide, 20mg (to treat high blood pressure), taken since 3BBY; atomoxetine, 90mg, to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, since 5BBY.
Allergies: None
Chronic diseases: ADHD, hypertension (high blood pressure)
Major illnesses/surgeries: 7BBY, admitted to bacta tank for three week treatment of concussion; 2ABY, admitted to bacta tank for four week treatment of significant bodily trauma and damage resulting from drop ship crash landing
Date of last physical: 22nd planetary rotation, 39ABY in a Scholae Palatinae infirmary
Dates/results of tests and screenings:
Imperial files available from 10BBY - 3ABY
No files available from 4ABY - 38ABY
9BBY: X-ray of left arm. Open, compound fracture of the humerus. Hairline fracture of the radius.
8 BBY: Post-mission medical treatment. Cuts and scratches sustained by local wildlife all along patient's right and left arms.
8 BBY: Post-mission medical treatment. 1st and 2nd degree burns along face, neck, shoulders and arms from glancing blaster fire or flames caused by explosions. Multiple pieces of shrapnel lodged in patient's abdomen, back, chest, and thighs. Shrapnel was removed, burns were treated.
7 BBY: Post-mission medical treatment. Patient severely concussed. Linear skull fracture running along the frontal and parietal bones on the patient's right side. Patient was admitted to a bacta tank for long term treatment.
5 BBY: Results of Imperial physical and mental evaluations led to diagnosis of ADHD. Medication was issued and trooper was discharged.
3 BBY: Results of Imperial physical and mental evaluations led to diagnosis of hypertension (severe). Medication was issued and trooper was discharged.
2 ABY: Medically evacuated from Onderon after drop ship crash. X-rays, MRIs and CT scans revealed significant bodily trauma from crash. Admitted to bacta tank for four week treatment of damage.

No placement
A deleted dossier
File submission
No placement
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

Name: Irian'Jaxerias Erinos

Birth Date: 10 BBY

Blood Type: Besh-

Emergency Contact(s): Arcia Cortel, Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae, L'ara Erinos, Kobgin Segritte

Primary Caregiver: Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae, Citadel Medical

Medicines, dosages, and how long taken:

* Elisinandrox 50mL/single dose - daily - 8 years
* Myocaine 25mg - as needed, 1/day - 3 years
* Vita Caps 75mg - as needed - 10+ years
* Polybiotic 50mg - daily - 8 years
* Sleeppack 25mg - as needed daily - 3 years
* Albozene 600mg - 1 dose - 8 years ago
* Vimidone 900 mL - 1 dose - 8 years ago

Allergies/allergic reactions:

* Chocolate
* Stress tab (active ingredient)

Date of last physical: 39.07.15

Dates/results of tests and screenings:

* Weekly Psychological Review - 39.07.19 - passed

Major illnesses/surgeries/injuries and their dates:

* Full left upper limb avulsion and amputation - 36 ABY
* Lower right limb amputation - 28 ABY
* Cranial skull fracture - 39 ABY
* Hypothermia - 39 ABY
* Animal bite, laceration - 39 ABY

Chronic diseases:

* Phantom Limb Pain

Family Medical History:

* Mother: N/A
* Father: N/A
* Grandfather: N/A
* Grandmother: N/A

No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Fist Uji Tameike opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
med file.docx
No placement
Taaj Veg
Textual submission

• Name: Taaj Veg
• birth date: (appropriate date and year)
• blood type: O-
• Emergency contact(s): N/A
• Primary caregiver: self
• Medicines, dosages, and how long taken:N/A
• Allergies/allergic reactions: squid/squidlike creatures
• Date of last physical: (appropriate date and year)
• Dates/results of tests and screenings: Healthy?
• Major illnesses/surgeries/injuries and their dates:
Claw Mark on face, permanent scar
Happen year ago

Blaster wounds, on torso, healed
Lightsaber burns on right leg, Healed
Lightsaber burns on left leg, Healed
132x broken ribs, healed
14x broken forearm, healed
35x broken fingers
All last month. Multiple visits
• Chronic diseases: N/a
• Family illness history: Unknown

Diagnosis: Perfectly healthy. Doctors have no clue how.

No placement