This competition is a continuation of a series of competitions (Lightsaber is the life), which focus on personalizing our characters.
We love our custom clothes but do you ever wonder how your original clothes will look? Your target is to create (draw) your own personal and unique robe. Which will represent your character’s personality. You can be creative but if you want to you can redesign your custom robe. The choise is yours.
Grading criteria:
You can choose any artistic style - digital or paper and pencil, it is up to you.
But all entries must be in there's formats: jpg. or png..
All entries will be graded using the Heral's Grading Rubric.
1st place
Sulon Tiful
2nd place
Master Mune Cinteroph
3rd place
A deleted dossier
4th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
5th place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr