Competition: What I made / What the DB saw / What I played! - 2nd Edition

What I made / What the DB saw / What I played! - 2nd Edition

It was a hit the first time, so it's back for a second run!

Sometimes characters have more to them than what can be seen at a quick glance. Some offer more than what is typical of their class is known for, or transform themselves into something completely alien to their setting or general archetype. This has become a recurring joke in RPG circles known as "what I made/what my GM saw/what I played!" So, let's apply it to a few Brotherhood characters.

Take an image of your character, and then use other images from pop culture to emulate how you feel others see them, combined with how they actually are. This can either be created as self-depreciation or a humourous subversion of the norm.

If you are short on ideas, a number of examples can be found here:

If you wish to utilise a template, there's one here:

If you don't have a commissioned work or general image in the first panel, a more generic stand-in will be accepted. I.E. Darth Revan for a Sith, Wedge Antilles for a dedicated pilot, etc.

Submissions: Submissions must be posted through the site.

Grading: This will be judged based upon creativity, clarity of the joke, and how easily it is understood based upon your character sheet or character wikia page.

Format: .png, .jpg

Competition Information
Organized by
Nikora Rhan
Running time
2021-08-08 until 2021-08-15 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
4 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
1st place
Vynn Salm
Vynn Salm
File submission
1st place
Eminent Ikarri Itinen
File submission
What I made.png
2nd place