Competition: [Pro Bowl V: Week One] Homeworld Locations

[Pro Bowl V: Week One] Homeworld Locations

Home field advantage is key in any competition, be it sports or battle. Being familiar with all the various parts of your homeworld is required to make effective use of that home field advantage..

For this event, your assignment is to create a description of one of the locations on your Clan's homeworld, be it a single shop/structure, large neighborhood, or even space-borne facility. Entries should be at least 200 words, but need not be excessively detailed or set up as a wiki article. The idea is more to create a concept that can be expanded to create an entire location. Who knows, your Clan leaders might see your entry as a chance to add something permanent to your clan's canon (though nothing is guaranteed), and even those entries that don't place still might make it onto the DJB wiki. Additionally, remember that the more interesting the idea, the better. Sure, everyone has thought of a cantina and there might be more than a few entries that describe one. If you want to finish well, try to think outside the box!

Entries must be submitted in .pdf, .doc or .docx format, or within the submission text field. To save a PDF from Google Docs, just go to File, Download, PDF Document.

Entries will be graded on:

  • Syntax
  • Originality
  • Quality of Details

Note: Any submissions to this competition from anyone other than members of Plagueis, Scholae Palatinae, Vizsla, or Naga Sadow will be disqualified. Members of other units are ineligible to complete.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Pro Bowl V] Week One
Organized by
Master Bentre Stahoes, Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Running time
2021-09-27 until 2021-10-03 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
20 subscribers, of which 18 have participated.
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
Naga Sadow Support Infrastructure.pdf
Textual submission

Here is my submission. I used photos from wiki and stock photos from Pinterest and Google for my support buildings.

1st place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
File submission
Homeworld Locations.pdf
2nd place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Textual submission

Graveyard of the Honoured Hunters

This hallowed area is not exactly part of the surface of the planet, but is instead a designated location in orbit that is synched so that it is always facing the system’s sun, Abercrombie 1. It is considered sacred to all members of Clan Vizsla and is one of the few overtly clan-focused places in the whole system.

The aspiring hunters in their ranks know that, should they fall in the service to the clan, every possible effort will be made to return their corpses (or whatever pieces remain) to Zsoldos for a unique ceremony to honour their sacrifice. Their remains will be placed into simple caskets and lifted into space into this graveyard. From there, as a symbolic gesture, the caskets will be launched from the graveyard on a path towards the sun, returning the valiant hunter to the primordial forces that created the universe. The ceremony and the path of the fallen member is documented and archived for future hunters to observe and learn the rites.

This also, of course, serves a practical purpose in that it prevents any rival hunters from claiming any bounty on clan members and, on at least one occasion, has been used to sow disinformation about one of the clan’s hunters untimely “death” in order to carry out a more elaborate hunt.

3rd place
Archangel Palpatine
File submission
7589-Homeworld Location.docx
4th place
Warlord Kai Movar
File submission
Homeworld Locations.pdf
No placement
Kano Tor Tydex
Textual submission

Located on the outskirts of Ebon Ridge is a scrap yard known as The Scrap Pit. Peering inside from beyond the neglected fence line this is just another scrap yard filled with junked speeders, fighters, and freighters. Hidden deep in the piles of discarded junk is a small warehouse. This warehouse is invisible from all directions as the scrap has been piled not only around the building but along the roof as well.

If you are one of the select few invited into the warehouse you would be greeted with a large orange backlit sign reading Adade Dar'yaim (Personal Hell) in Mando’a. Below this sign is a pit about 25 feet across and 8 feet deep. The rim of the pit has a 4 foot fence lining it. Just beyond the pit is a medium sized office raised into the air with a large window on the front side to observe the action without the view being blocked by the special guest who are invited.

This pit is the reason the building exists. Down on their luck civilians are approached within Ebon Ridge and offered a chance to fight another for credits. The winner of a fight will have their debts paid off as well as receive a nice sum to line their pockets with.

No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
Aliso City Heights.pdf
No placement
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Textual submission

Out on the outskirts of Caelestis City lay the remains of what for one weekend each year becomes the Caelestis City Grand Prix circuit. The Caelestis City Grand Prix is the most prestigious race in the swoop racing championship, providing drivers with a series of winding corners around Caelestis Port. While not the fastest circuit on the calendar, drivers manage speeds upwards of 420kph on the long straights before diving into the heavy braking zones of turn one and the tricky chicane of turns eleven and twelve.

The Circuit navigates the streets around Caelestis Port and consists of nineteen corners; eight to the left and eleven to the right. After making their way down the long pit straight, drivers navigate a series of ten corners on the southern end of the track, including 2 sharp hairpin turns, before reaching the back straight. The back straight is slightly shorter than the pit straight, running right alongside the bay, interrupted by two chicanes. Finally, drivers navigate a final few series of corners before making their way back to the start/finish line.

The Formula Swoop Championship is the most prestigious series in the entire Caperion system, attracting drivers from all nations in the twenty bike championship. The championship currently consists of 23 races across one planet and two moons, with one race taking place on Ulress and the remaining 22 on either Seraph or Ragnath.

Being the Series’ crown jewel, the race attracts the wealthy and elite and as such accounts for nearly ten percent of the championship’s entire profits.

No placement
Raleien Sonavarret
Raleien Sonavarret opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
File submission
Overlord's Delight (1).docx
No placement
Nightsister Sinya Ani
Textual submission

Home world: Ryloth
Hemisphere: Brightlands
Location: The Coliseum

The Bright Lands of Ryloth are nearly uninhabitable–at least for most sentient species of the galaxy. However, at the edge, near the terminator (twilight realm between the two extremes), there stands the Coliseum. A large structure built of rock and duracrete, the brobdingnagian building dominates the otherwise barren landscape. Large blast doors protect those inside from the large predators that stalk the Bright Lands.

No native Rylothian would build on the surface so far into the extreme heat of Ryloth’s hemisphere of permanent day. This unusual structure was built by offworlders. A bastion of the slave trade, many unfortunate Twi’lek met their untimely end in the fighting pits.

The domed structure partially protects the inhabitants from the unforgiving sun but the interior is still hotter than comfortable for most creatures and sentients. The main level consists of an office, ticket counter, and concessions stand near the entrance. The main room is a giant arena surrounded by bleachers and slave pens. This is where the fights and auctions take place. A retractable dome allows for ships to descend onto the arena for loading and unloading slaves.

There are two underground levels. The first consists of rooms for preparing the fighters for the death matches and other slaves for transport or auction. The lowest level is where slaves are stored long term and the unruly ones are reconditioned. Anyone that is deemed unbreakable is sent to the fighting pits.

No placement
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
Homeworld Locations.pdf
No placement
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
File submission
No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
File submission
Homeworld Locations Comp.docx
No placement
Adept Xantros
File submission
Augur Xantros, 11518, Imperial Intelligence Center.pdf
No placement