Competition: Interesting Little Facts about the Star Wars Universe.

Interesting Little Facts about the Star Wars Universe.

Throughout the years, many interesting stories have surfaced about the people and the items that have been associated with Star Wars. Some are small, and barely even noticed. Others, have had a major effect and are well known. In this competition. you will be given a series of questions about people, items, and props. But all in all, this should be an interesting little competition. So hopefully everyone will have fun and learn something new about this universe.

If you have any questions or problems, please email me and I will try to get back to you.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2021-10-24 until 2021-11-07 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
21 subscribers, of which 17 have participated.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Subscription time
24 October 2021
Submission time
24 October 2021
Time taken
948 seconds (± 16 minutes)
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Howlader Taldrya
Subscription time
27 October 2021
Submission time
27 October 2021
Time taken
817 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Darth Maul
2) Stealing them or plundering them off the bodies of their fallen foes - this act makes the crystal bleed, and therefore be red.
3) Kyber crystal
4) Darth Maul
5) Legends The Courtship of Princess Leia - 1994; Canon - Star Wars the Clone Wars - 2011
6) Despayre - Legends
7) American Civil War
8) J.W. Rinzler
9) Jack McKinney (Brian Daley and James Luceno)
10) Michael A. Stackpole
11) John Ratzenberger
12) Sabine Wren
13) Vader
14) Luke Skywalker
15) Carnor Jax
16) Humans
17) Jennifer Hale
18) Protosaber
19) George Lucas suggested it for Starkiller in the Force Unleashed
20) Mace Windu - Purple
21) John Wayne

2nd place
3rd place
Master Windos
Master Windos
Subscription time
02 November 2021
Submission time
02 November 2021
Time taken
1609 seconds (± 27 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Darth Maul in the movies, Exar Kun in cannon?

2. Infusing kyber crtystals with negative emotions.

3. Kyber crtystals

4. Darth Maul

5. The Courtship of Princess Leia (Book) if considering legends, otherwise The Clone Wars (Show).

6. Alderaan (if ignoring legends, otherwise Despayre)

7. George Washington Lucas - American Civil War

8. J.W. Rinzler

9. Brian Daley and James Luceno

10. Michael A. Stackpole

11. John Ratzenberger

12. Boba Fett

13. Darth Tenebrous (this is the name of my laptop 😅)

14. Kit Fisto

15. Nash Windrider

16. Asogian (E.T.)

17. Jennifer Hale

18. Called? "4000° PLASMA PROTO-LIGHTSABER"? Oct 9, 2020

19. Lucas suggested it for Starkiller in The Force Unleashed

20. Mace Windu (Purple)

21. John Wayne

3rd place
Raistline Taldrya Majere
Subscription time
05 November 2021
Submission time
05 November 2021
Time taken
1984 seconds (± 33 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Maul chronologically?
2. they bend the crystal to their will, bleeding it
3. kyber
4. mother talzin
5. courtship of princess leia 1994
6. despayre
7. civil war :P
8. rinzler
9. james luceno and brian daily
10. stackpole
11. john ratzenberger
12. bo katan
13. Bane
14. obi wan
15. grodin tierce
16. human, breen?
17. jennifer hale
19. George Lucas Starkiller
20. luke and ben both used yellow in toy versions of ANH
mace is first current cannon change with purple
mara rocked a purple blade as well
21. sadie eden

4th place
Warlord Kai Movar
Subscription time
28 October 2021
Submission time
28 October 2021
Time taken
650 seconds (± 11 minutes)
Textual submission

01: Who was the first character to wield a dual-bladed lightsaber?
Darth maul

02: How does a dark side user get their lightsaber the color red?
A process called Bleeding

03: What is the name of the focusing crystal at the heart of every lightsaber?
kyber crystal

04: Name a famous denizen from the planet Dathomir

05: When did the planet Dathomir first make its entrance into the lore of star wars
The Courtship of Princess Leia or The Clone Wars, depending on status

06: What was the first planet destroyed by the Death Star?

07: George Lucas won the Medal of Honor in which war?
American Civil War? lol

08: This person wrote several behind-the-scenes books for Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and this person shares a
name with a villain from the movie Tron Legacy.

09: These authors wrote several Star Wars EU books and wrote the Robotech book series. Who are they?
James Luceno

10: This wrote 9 Star Wars EU books and 14 Battletech books. Who is it?
Michael A. Stackpole

11: This person played Bren Derlin in The Empire Strikes Back. but is more famously known for his voice acting
in 22 Pixar/Disney films from 1995-2020.
John Ratzenberger

12: Name a famous Mandalorian.
Boba Fett

13: Name a Darth (Name as many as you wish to.)
Darth Bane

14: Name a Jedi (Name as many as you wish to.)
Luke Skywalker

15: Name a Guardsmen, Imperial or First Order.
Supreme Leader Snoke

16: Name an alien species that is mentioned in both Star Wars and Star Trek.

17: The TV show, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, the video games Mass Effect 1,2,3, and Knights
of the Old Republic, all had a voice actress play a part in the story that they told. Who is that actress?
Jennifer Hale

18: In 2019/2020 the first Protolightsaber for our world was built. It shares a design similarity to a lightsaber
from Star Wars. What was the name of the lightsaber and when did it first appear?

19: Darth Icky was a suggestion for a character name. Who suggested the name and who was the character that
might have gotten that name?
George Lucas and Vader's apprentice

20: Outside of the standard red, blue, & green lightsaber blades, who was the first character to use another
colored blade?
Mace Windu, purple

21: This western icon, nicknamed "The Duke" played an uncredited role as the voice of the character of Garindian.
Who was that actor?
John Wayne

5th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Subscription time
30 October 2021
Submission time
30 October 2021
Time taken
924 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
6th place
7th place
Subscription time
04 November 2021
Submission time
04 November 2021
Time taken
2765 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

1) Exar Kun
2) By bleeding a crystal to bend it to their will
3) Kyber Crystal
4) Mother Talzin
5) The Courtship of Princess Leia - 4/1/94
6) Despayre
7) The Civil War? LoL
8) J.W. Rinzler
9) James Luceno and Brian Daley
10) Michael Stackpole
11) John Ratzenberger
12) Shae Vizla
13) Bane, Andeddu, Plagueis, Cognus, Zannah, etc etc
14) Shaak Ti, Ki-Adi_Mundi, Cal Kestis, yada yada
15) Kir Kanos
16) Zeltron
17) Jennifer Hale
18) retractable plasma lightsaber- Oct 8 2020
19) George Lucas - Starkiller
20) Luke used a yellow one
21) John Wayne

7th place
8th place
Bexa Nalrella
Bexa Nalrella
Subscription time
24 October 2021
Submission time
25 October 2021
Time taken
91749 seconds (± 1 day)
Textual submission

1. Darth Maul
2. Pour negative emotions such as rage, hate, fear and pain into kyber crystals.
3. kyber crystals
4. Yenna
5. Old Republic
6. Alderaan
7. American Civil War
8. J.W Rinzler
9. James Jucano and Brian Daley
10. Michael A Stackpole
11. John Ratzenberger
12. Din Dajarin
13. Darth Vader
14. Luke Skywalker
15. Yarri
16. Asogian
17. Jennifer Hale
18. 2004 , Republic 64
19. George Lucas
20. Mace Windu
21. John Wayne

8th place
Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Subscription time
01 November 2021
Submission time
01 November 2021
Time taken
1746 seconds (± 29 minutes)
Textual submission

1.) Exar Kun.
2.) They bleed the crystal, bend it to their will.
3.) Kyber crystal.
4.) Savage Opress.
5.) In a book titled Jedi Search.
6.) Jedha.
7.) The American Civil War.
8.) Jonathan Rinzler.
9.) James Luceno, Jack McKinney, and Brian Daley.
10.) Michael A. Stackpole.
11.) John Ratzenberger.
12.) Din Djarin.
13.) Darth Sidious.
14.) Qui-Gon Jinn.
15.) Captain Phasma.
16.) Human.
17.) Jennifer Hale.
18.) The protosaber, it appeared in a comic titled Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith.
19.) George Lucas suggested that name for the character that would become Galen Marek, Vader's secret apprentice.
20.) Mace Windu.
21.) John Wayne.

9th place
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar
Subscription time
25 October 2021
Submission time
25 October 2021
Time taken
1283 seconds (± 21 minutes)
Supreme Chancellor Ood Bnar opted out of publishing his submission.
10th place
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Subscription time
26 October 2021
Submission time
26 October 2021
Time taken
497 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

01: Who was the first character to wield a dual-bladed lightsaber?

02: How does a dark side user get their lightsaber the color red?
Making a crystal bleed

03: What is the name of the focusing crystal at the heart of every lightsaber?

04: Name a famous denizen from the planet Dathomir

05: When did the planet Dathomir first make its entrance into the lore of star wars
Clone wars (per disney lore)

06: What was the first planet destroyed by the Death Star?

07: George Lucas won the Medal of Honor in which war?

08: This person wrote several behind-the-scenes books for Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and this person shares a name with a villain from the movie Tron Legacy.


09: These authors wrote several Star Wars EU books and wrote the Robotech book series. Who are they?

Zahn, Reaves

10: This wrote 9 Star Wars EU books and 14 Battletech books. Who is it?


11: This person played Bren Derlin in The Empire Strikes Back. but is more famously known for his voice acting in 22 Pixar/Disney films from 1995-2020.


12: Name a famous Mandalorian.

Pre Vizsla

13: Name a Darth (Name as many as you wish to.)

Plagueis, Sidious, Vader, Maul, Scion, Bane, Zannah

14: Name a Jedi (Name as many as you wish to.)

Anakin, Obi Wan, Luke, Leia, Qui Gon

15: Name a Guardsmen, Imperial or First Order.


16: Name an alien species that is mentioned in both Star Wars and Star Trek.

Vulcan, Trill

17: The TV show, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, the video games Mass Effect 1,2,3, and Knights of the Old Republic, all had a voice actress play a part in the story that they told. Who is that actress? Carrie Fisher

18: In 2019/2020 the first Protolightsaber for our world was built. It shares a design similarity to a lightsaber from Star Wars. What was the name of the lightsaber and when did it first appear?

Proto Saber. KotoR

19: Darth Icky was a suggestion for a character name. Who suggested the name and who was the character that might have gotten that name? Chewy’s Son

20: Outside of the standard red, blue, & green lightsaber blades, who was the first character to use another colored blade?


21: This western icon, nicknamed "The Duke" played an uncredited role as the voice of the character of Garindian. Who was that actor?

John Wayne

No placement
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Subscription time
26 October 2021
Submission time
26 October 2021
Time taken
1274 seconds (± 21 minutes)
Textual submission

01: Who was the first character to wield a dual-bladed lightsaber? Darth Maul

02: How does a dark side user get their lightsaber the color red? they bleed the crystal

03: What is the name of the focusing crystal at the heart of every lightsaber? Kaibur crystal

04: Name a famous denizen from the planet Dathomir Darth Maul

05: When did the planet Dathomir first make its entrance into the lore of star wars Courtship of Princess Leia

06: What was the first planet destroyed by the Death Star? Alderaan

07: George Lucas won the Medal of Honor in which war? American Civil war

08: This person wrote several behind-the-scenes books for Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and this person shares a
name with a villain from the movie Tron Legacy. JW Rinzler

09: These authors wrote several Star Wars EU books and wrote the Robotech book series. Who are they? Jack Mckinney aka James Luceno and Brian Daley

10: This wrote 9 Star Wars EU books and 14 Battletech books. Who is it? Micheal Stackpole

11: This person played Bren Derlin in The Empire Strikes Back. but is more famously known for his voice acting
in 22 Pixar/Disney films from 1995-2020. John Ratzenberger

12: Name a famous Mandalorian. Bo-katan

13: Name a Darth (Name as many as you wish to.) Vader Maul Sidious

14: Name a Jedi (Name as many as you wish to.) Yoda, Nomi Sunnrider, Revan

15: Name a Guardsmen, Imperial or First Order. Phasma

16: Name an alien species that is mentioned in both Star Wars and Star Trek. Humans?

17: The TV show, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, the video games Mass Effect 1,2,3, and Knights
of the Old Republic, all had a voice actress play a part in the story that they told. Who is that actress? Jennifer Hale

18: In 2019/2020 the first Protolightsaber for our world was built. It shares a design similarity to a lightsaber
from Star Wars. What was the name of the lightsaber and when did it first appear? the Protosaber I think its called? i remember reading about it last year so 2020...

19: Darth Icky was a suggestion for a character name. Who suggested the name and who was the character that
might have gotten that name?

20: Outside of the standard red, blue, & green lightsaber blades, who was the first character to use another
colored blade? Mace Windu and his purple blade

21: This western icon, nicknamed "The Duke" played an uncredited role as the voice of the character of Garindian.
Who was that actor? John Wayne

No placement
Seer Xolarin
Subscription time
25 October 2021
Submission time
25 October 2021
Time taken
839 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Seer Xolarin opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Subscription time
24 October 2021
Submission time
24 October 2021
Time taken
783 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Darth Maul
2. Blood
3. Khyber
4. Darth Maul
5. Clone Wars
6. Alderaan
7. Vietnam
12. Din Djarin
13. Maul, Vader, Sidius
14. Obi-wan Kenobi
15. Hux
16. Tribbles
17. Yvonne Strahovski
20.Mace Windu

No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Subscription time
24 October 2021
Submission time
24 October 2021
Time taken
592 seconds (± 10 minutes)
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Subscription time
02 November 2021
Submission time
02 November 2021
Time taken
1204 seconds (± 20 minutes)
Textual submission

01) Darth Maul
02) Bleed a lightsaber crystal
03) Kyber crystal
04) Mother Talzin
05) during The Clone Wars cartoon, immediately following Dooku's betrayal of Ventress
06) Alderran
08) J.W Rinzller
09) James Luceno
10) Michael A Stackpole
11) John Ratzenberger
12) Jango Fett
13) Darth Vader
14) Anikin Skywalker
15) Ersten Deez
16) Human
17) Jennifer Hale
19) George Lucas for Darth Vader's apprentice
20) Windu
21) Sadie Eden

No placement
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Subscription time
25 October 2021
Submission time
07 November 2021
Time taken
1148445 seconds (± 13 days)
Textual submission

1) Exar Kun, Legends. Darth Maul, Canon
2) They “bleed” it.
3) A Kyber Crystal.
4) Darth Maul
5) The Courtship of Princess Leia – EU Book, published 1994
6) Alderaan
7) American Civil War
8) J.W Rinzler
9) James Luceno
10) Also James Luceno?
11) John Ratzenberger
12) Din Djarin
13) Darth Vader
14) Obi-Wan Kenobi
15) Carnor Jax
16) Asogians
17) Rita Moreno
18) It appeart on hacksmith Industries Youtube a video and was called steampunk saber, I think
19) George Lucas and Starkiller from Force Unleashed
20) Mara Jade had a purpley one.
21) John Wayne

No placement