Competition: Star Wars EU Trivia

Star Wars EU Trivia

How about some trivia for those elusive Legion of the Scholar rewards? Let's see how well we know some simple EU canon and legends trivia.

Type your answers to the questions below into the text entry box. The two members with the most correct answers in the fastest time will win the LoS. The others will still earn points towards the container.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Operation: Hello There
Organized by
Running time
2021-11-22 until 2021-12-06 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Acclivis Draco
Competition Type
Legion of the Scholar for Top Two Places
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
Mandalorian Malodin'Tater
Subscription time
30 November 2021
Submission time
30 November 2021
Time taken
724 seconds (± 12 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Which Sith Lord instituted the Rule of Two? Darth Bane

2) In which sector of the Galaxy was Naboo? Midrim

3) Name one planet where Revan and Malak found a Star Map. Manaan

4) Who was Darth Sidious' master? Darth Palguies

5) Which planet is the Chiss homeworld? Csillia

6) What class of ships was the Katana fleet composed of? Dreadnaughts

7) Name a super star destroyer other than the Executor. Lusankya

8) What was Darth Vader's personal Armada? Death squadron

9) Name another of the Grand Admirals other than Thrawn. Zaarin

10) Who became the Dark Lord of the Sith after the death of Marka Ragnos? Naga Sadow

1st place