Competition: [Great Sithmas] Gifting Our Dark Council

[Great Sithmas] Gifting Our Dark Council

Sithmas Day is Here! The Dark Council leaps from their beds to the main courtyard on Arx, where they find unwitting tribute in the form of not so graciously given presents from the various clans waiting for them under the massive Sithmas tree.

As the Dark Councillors dig into the presents, what will they find?

For this competition, select any one of the below following members of the Dark Council and in 500 words or more from their point of view, detail the present that you have given them, along with a Sithmas Card written by you, signed with another members forged signature, or anonymously. Is it something nice? Something sinister? Or something else?

Dark Council that can be used for Event

Grand Master Evant Taelyan
Deputy Grand Master Dacian VIctae
Master At Arms Howlader “Howie” Taldrya
Herald Rian Taldrya
Voice Idris Adenn
Fist Dracaryis
Justicar Thane “Atra” Skotos
Regent Eyst Treebeard (Anubis)

Must be at least 500 words minimum

Grading will be determined on: Comedy, humor, originality, and creativeness.

After the event, all gifts and cards will be forwarded to their respective DC member. So beware.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Great Sithmas Adventure
Organized by
Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
Running time
2021-12-01 until 2022-01-01 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
Sithmas Gift.pdf
1st place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
2nd place