Competition: [FIST] The Old Republic - Scavenger Hunt 3: Scavenge with a Vengeance

[FIST] The Old Republic - Scavenger Hunt 3: Scavenge with a Vengeance

bUt DiE hArD 3 dOeSn'T tAkE pLaCe At ChRiStMaS!

Yeah, well it has racial slurs in it, so maybe it shouldn't be classified as a Christmas movie in the first place.

You know the drill.

Put all screenies on one document.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[FIST] On the Third Week of Fistmas Dracaryis gave to me...
Organized by
Master Alaris Jinn
Running time
2021-12-15 until 2021-12-21 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
18 December 2021
Submission time
18 December 2021
Time taken
5920 seconds (± about 2 hours)
File submission
SWTOR scavenger hunt week 3 14185 2021 sithmas.pdf
Textual submission

thanks for this fun competition, drac

1st place
2nd place
Creon Neverse
Creon Neverse
Subscription time
15 December 2021
Submission time
21 December 2021
Time taken
502178 seconds (± 6 days)
File submission
[FIST] The Old Repulic Scavenger Hunt 3.pdf
Textual submission

To note the name Creon-Urr was changed to Creon-de during the scavenger hunt (free token). Same character.

2nd place