You awake one morning in a police cell with little or no recognition of how you got there. When you are released you have none of your possessions except basic clothing, and a few credits. However there is worse to come. You find out that a new member has appeared in your Clan, and he or she is living in your quarters, using your ship and hanging out with your npcs and fellow Clan members who have accepted them in your place. You have no idea where this person has come from.
Your task is to regain your old life by dealing with the new member, either by sinister means or working with them to establish what has happened.
Entries must be 500 words or more with no maximum. A snapshot of your main character will be required when you submit your fiction. Acceptable formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf or using the text box. The DB Fiction Rubric will be used to select winners
1st place
Tyga Orn Nilim
2nd place
Doctor Avery Erinos Watson
4th place
Boss Ragnar Kul