Competition: The Great Hunt Begins

The Great Hunt Begins

Write a story of minimum 500 words about your character getting the job to hunt down the target of this season’s hunt as well as beginning your hunt. This target is going to be the main focus for the entire competition so you can write out tracking and catching him, just know that the main story will be focused on his continued freedom until the end of the competition. Standard mediums apply and submissions should be in .txt .doc, etc. Grading will be done using the fiction grading rubric. **Points will be awarded according to placement focusing on quality over quantity. Therefore the awarded points will be as follows 5 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place. Participation will be worth 1 point.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Great Hunt V - Month 1
Organized by
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Running time
2022-01-01 until 2022-01-25 (25 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
7 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
File submission
307 - First Move.pdf
1st place
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Clan Vizsla
Zsoldos System, Space Outside Daemunn
Acclamator Class Assault Ship
Von Ricmore

The bridge of Clan Vizsla’s Acclamator Class Assault Ship was wrought with activity. Final preparations were made as the ship began to descend into the atmosphere of Daemunn.
Von was confident in the clan’s ability to establish a presence on the moon. The 16,000 troops aboard the Acclamator alongside the token fleet blockade consisting of the Concordia, Rim Runner, Shadow Fox, Shriek Hawk and Viper Flight should prove ample enough to conquer the moon while preventing outside interruption. If reinforcements were needed the clan could call upon its entire fleet within an hour given their presence within their home system.

Preparation completed, the Acclamator descended into the atmosphere. Artillery and anti air fire buffeted the ship which remained intact as it completed its landing. The Kyber Shield upgrade gave the vessel shields comparable to a stock star destroyer; their enemy would require stronger munitions to bring the ship down before it could make a landing.

“The anti air must be destroyed before we can deploy troop transports.” Von thought to himself.

“Contact the Concordia. Have them deploy 2 squadrons of X Wings and the B wing squadron. That should be ample force to destroy their artillery.” The Sith ordered the Acclamator crew.

“Right away sir.” The captain replied.

“Concordia, Commander Ricmore orders the deployment of 2 X wing squadrons and the B wing squadron.” The Captain messaged.

“They’ve agreed to your request.” The Captain informed.

“Excellent. Let us hope they are successful.”

The starfighter squadrons exited the Concordia descending in formation towards Daemunn. Anti-air fire slammed into the formation, taking down 3 X-wings and causing the formation to scatter. Once apart the anti air had difficulty taking down the fighters, it was designed to take down transports and capital ships. Only an additional 2 X-wings and a single B Wing were destroyed before the ships completed their strafing run, completely destroying the anti air emplacements.

“With the anti air destroyed we can begin deploying ground troops. Deploy the J-1 artillery but replace the usual munitions with fear gas explosives. While they soften the enemy, prepare an advance force with the Gamma transports and have a platoon of AT-AT and AT-ST ready to support them.”

The Captain gave his acknowledgement and repeated the order to the men.

Vizsla forces began to dismount the Acclamator, setting up the Artillery cannons. Mechanics prepared the vehicles as troops double checked their blasters and boarded.

The artillery began their bombardment, a sick orange cloud emerging from the shelled locations. The gas blew towards the makeshift cantina where a series of shouts and screams could be heard from within.

As the bombardment continued the Vizsla forces saw a ship take off from behind the cantina. The ship seemed to blur before fading from view completely.

“Hmm.” Von muttered. “It is safe to assume that our target is onboard that vessel. We won’t find a stealth corvette unless it wants to be found. Have the artillery switch to proton rounds and prep the AT-M6. Obliterate the cantina.”

The bombardment escalated until the cantina was rubble. But Von couldn’t help but feel that the stealth corvette would be the cause of many headaches in the days to come.

2nd place
Corsair Chrome
Textual submission

::Present time::

Long bronze hair. That’s actually what I noticed first. For a second, I thought I was just admiring another woman from afar while up on stage. I’ve had a tendency to make some eye contact here and there with fans and just random people. I had to be careful in this instance though. I’m not just here to play, I’m here to kill.

::One Week Prior:: (don’t you love flashbacks?!)

“Listen, Dom, I need in on that gig.” Dom was my contact, if you could call it that, on Daemunn Moon. A sleezy Bothan that somehow has roots in the music scene on Daemunn. I figured he’d blackmailed his way into it. No need to ask at this point considering I needed a favor and I saved him from the wrath of a Twi’Lek that wanted to rip his big goofy ears off in a bar brawl.

“What’s the big deal? It’s just some crap cantina with some nobodies playing,” Dom replied, annoyed.

Word is, Captain Mar’vel Wonder is having a gathering of some sorts at this dive place. She’d likely spot me the second I walked in the door, but perhaps on stage, my cover would keep intact long enough to do the deed.

I went with a lie, of course. “My cousin lives near there these days. I wanted to play her favorite song in person.” I’m not sure if I even have a cousin, let alone what song she’s going to like at a crappy cantina on some moon. After some more back and forth banter, I did finally get him to come around.

“You owe me,” I reminded him.
“Still with the Twi’Lek thing? Geez that was YEARS ago!”
I sighed…..knowing full well he was right. “You know I’ll make it worth your while…..”
“How much?” Dom asked.
I started low, figuring he’d settle for 3 or 4k, “One thousand credits….and a song dedicated to you”.
“What? You’re crazy, go find the Twi’Lek”.
“Look, I’ll go two thousand but you’re not getting a single song request.”
“Five thousand,” he countered.
“Three, that’s it, or forget the Twi’Lek, I’ll find you myself.”
“Talk to Osir’in when you get there. He’s the band leader and owes me a favor. Don’t even try that half now half after the gig poodoo either. I want the three up front.”
I replied, “yeah yeah, you’ll get it.”

The hunt is on!

::Back to Present:: (You saw that coming right?)

I had a few ideas for getting the job done. A dart shooting from my mandoviol. Finding a way to get something in her drink. Maybe just wing it? Yeah….wing it. A powerful looking woman at her height. I’d almost say she could put up a good fight but then I’d be putting myself down and I’m not a big fan of that….get it, big?

Anyways, I kept my eye on her as she had numerous visitors come in and sit down. Some for just a few minutes, some for more than 20. I swear she eyed me a few times and I just put on a sly smile basically saying yeah, I know you’re a fan and I’ll see you after the show.

During our 2nd break, I saw the chance. She was alone at the table and I needed a drink anyway - why not get an extra and go sit down next to my fan.

It did not go as planned.

“So, looks like you need a refill,” I said to her…wow, what a stupid line. We’ll just say it was on purpose so I look like some idiot in a bar hitting on woman. I’m totally not though….

“That’s the line you want to go with?” Mar’vel replied.

I set the drink on the table anyway. “I’m just a plain musician, not the lyricist.”
“Actually you’re quite the established musician. I’ve seen you before.”
Hmmm, she was a fan!
“I get around,” I said. The cocky smile getting worse…or better? Wider? Whatever.
“You do indeed. Your reputation as a Mercenary precedes you,” her own cocky smile, now looking more cocky than mine.


Without notice, her hand flips up from under the table holding a small blaster. Before I could recognize it as a stun blaster and not a full blown oh no I’m gonna die kinda blaster….she shot me.

In hindsight, I’m thinking I should have put more planning into killing her and less into my set list. Why did she only have a stun blaster? Maybe I’ll ask her next time I see her.

3rd place
Occultan Iacul
File submission
The Great Hunt Begins.pdf
4th place