Competition: The Great Hunt Concludes

The Great Hunt Concludes

Write a story of minimum 500 words about your character tracking the mark to their final location and bring them in warm or cold. This target is going to be the main focus for the entire competition so you can write out tracking and catching him, just know that the main story will be focused on his continued freedom until the end of the competition. Standard mediums apply and submissions should be in .txt .doc, etc. Grading will be done using the fiction grading rubric. **Points will be awarded according to placement focusing on quality over quantity. Therefore the awarded points will be as follows 5 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place. Participation will be worth 1 point.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Great Hunt V - Month 3
Organized by
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Running time
2022-03-01 until 2022-03-25 (25 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
1 subscriber, of which 1 has participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Von Ricmore
Clan Vizsla
Kalevan Star Yacht, Batuu Space

Von Ricmore was a man of patience. While his comrades had spent the previous month hunting down the target of the fifth Great Hunt, Captain Mar’Vel, he had been content to wait. His visions had instructed him that Mar’Vel would not yet be found but the time to hunt was rapidly approaching.

The Sith knew he had to be the first to reach the target. It wasn’t a matter of glory or honor; it was simply efficient. Tensions had been running high after Mar’Vel’s ability to elude the Clan for so long. Von had no doubt that most of his compatriots would not hesitate to bring Mar’Vel in cold after all the trouble she caused. Such a death would be a waste in the eyes of the Anzat. Mar’Vel could serve as an excellent scout and source of information; her ability to elude capture would aid her greatly in that role. Clan Vizsla would have to dissuade the Epicanthix of her hatred, but such a thing was not impossible if enough time, resources and effort were applied.

Mar’Vel could furthermore aid in the Clan’s securing of Daemun. The ex special forces soldier could convince the Daemun Wayists to stand down, ending a potentially costly guerilla war before it even began.

But first Von had to capture the target alive, a difficult feat made easier by the power of the Force; for the Force was his ally, and a powerful ally it is.

The Sith had prepared a ritual to narrow the focus of his Farsight. The room selected for the ritual was deep inside the ship, devoid of any distractions. A circle had been drawn in the room using the blood of several Convor’s. The creatures were known to have a connection to the Force and would serve as a way to amplify and direct his vision. 2 different brands of incense filled the room. One was taken from Iktochi culture, a species known for seeing the future through dreams. The other was taken from Skakoan culture. The religious Skakoans worshiped a prophet said to be able to see the future. The incense would help Von activate his Farsight on command.

The Sith kneeled in the center of the circle and breathed deeply. The incense filled his nose and mouth as his eyes began to blur. Closing his eyes in a blink, he opened them to find himself on Batuu. He recognized the trading post of the Black Spire Outpost as his ship was currently moored there. His surroundings weren’t entirely solid; they wavered as if in a dream.

“It worked.” Von mumbled to himself pleased with the endeavor. “What do you have to show me?” He asked the Force.

His surroundings shifted as the Force whispered to him. No words were used by the mysterious energy source but a sharp feeling to head North filled the Anzat. The buildings of the Black Spire Outpost were replaced with small wood and mud houses of a similar style. The settlement was filled with a variety of vehicles, cobbled together from whatever scrap the settlers could find. One house in particular stood out to him, the Force showed him a building with a concealed symbol of the late Empire. He watched a small group of Storm Commando’s led by Mar’Vel in her modified Storm Commando armor enter the building.

Von woke with a gasp as his eyes opened wide. He knew what he had to do.

Renting transport to the northern town, Galma, was of no difficulty. It cost more than the Anzat would prefer to pay but time was of the essence. He arrived in the town an hour later, stepping off the transport and into the shadow of a nearby building. Wrapping himself in the Force, Von disappeared from view.

He made his way to the house and tried to open the front door; locked. The time for subtlety was over. Drawing his Sith Alchemy Sword in his right hand he uncloaked and gestured with his left hand. The shabby door was ripped off its hinges and flew inward, crashing into and crushing an unsuspecting Storm Commando. The inhabitants were all ex Empire special forces and had drawn their weapons as the Sith entered. E-22 blaster rifles fired a deluge of fire at the Sith, forcing him to backpedal as his sword intercepted bolts. Mar’Vel brandished a TL-50, letting loose a charge shot. Von intercepted the shot with his sword. The concussive force of the shot made him stumble backwards as the sword was torn from his grip.

Pooling the Force in his lungs Von let loose a primal scream. Mar’vel and those next to her stopped firing, several clutched their heads in pain. Von breathed ragged breaths as his lungs burned from the Amplified scream.

He reached out his left hand and pulled one of the Storm Commando’s towards him. He activated the Knuckle Plate Vibroblade on his right arm and impaled the throat of the soldier flying towards him. The soldier gurgled, choking on blood as Von held him in front of him, telekinetically using him as a body shield. The sith drew four of his throwing knives before sending the body flying into the group of Storm Commando’s. He let the knives fly in a fan, the blades finding purchase in areas not covered by armor.

Stars filled Von’s eyes as a fist slammed into his face. A fist that belonged to Mar’Vel who jetpacked forward and slugged him. Electricity ran along Mar’Vel’s gauntlets as the Epicanthix sent the voltage into Von. The sith spazemed before grasping the Force and cutting off his sense of pain.

“Did you think I’d give you the opportunity to scream again?” Mar’Vel asked, as she wrapped her hands around Von’s throat and began to choke the life from him. “Did you think you could attack me, kill my men and get away with it? I’m Captain Mar’Vel Wonder; you’re nothing but another number to be.”

Fortunately for Von the Sith had no intention of attempting another Force Scream. He couldn’t feel the electricity or lack of oxygen, but he had seconds before his body would shut down. Shifting his foot, he ejected the blade kept in his boot. He grabbed Mar’Vel’s head before pulling her in for a headbut. Disoriented, the Epicanthix was pushed off the Anzat.

Von swung his leg around, kicking the blade into Mar’Vel’s throat. The Epicanthix grabbed at her throat as blood pooled in her hands.

“No no no Shit.” Von rasped as he grabbed the dying Mar’Vel. He had to act now, before Mar’Vel died. Once she passed he would have no power over her fate. His neck and lungs throbbed but his own pain would have to wait, he would need all his focus and ability to channel the Force for what came next.

Von drew the remaining life force from the dying Storm Commando’s, using it alongside his own energy to rapidly heal the cut on Mar’Vel. The wound would scar and still looked raw, but Mar’Vel was no longer in danger from bleeding to death.

Von collapsed into a sitting position against the wall of the house. He activated his communicator, using the frequency reserved for the Clan Vizsla Summit. “It’s Von.” he rasped “I could use some assistance, Galma town on Batuu.” His hand slipped off the commlink as his vision swam. He could hear the muted sounds of the Summit but could not make out any sound. The Anzat passed out from exhaustion, trusting the Summit would find him soon.

1st place