Competition: Acquisition


Aboard the station Refuge a series of art pieces and objects of interest have been put up for auction. A sale has been called for, a party is being thrown, and at least one object in particular has caught the attention of the Consul.

Three distinct teams have been dispatched to ensure that the Clan Naga Sadow are not denied their prize. Your assistance has been requested aboard the station. The skills our our Clanfolks are not equal in all areas, so to ensure victory each team will have a different area of focus.

Chose Your Prompt: Four Ways to Play

The Socialite: Attend the Party

Perhaps your character is given to the more manipulative aspects, and wants to channel their inner Darth Sidious. To this end, it has been requested that a group of Sadowns attend the party. Beyond just taking part in any sort of revelry, debauchery or the like, the hope is that some will gather information, and if desired even take part in the auction proper. That isn't to say that all will go according to plan. After all, this station is run by powerful crime lords! Tell a compelling story of how your character uses their wits, charms and potentially any other assets to help strengthen the Clan and hopefully acquire the prize. The consequences for this path are most boring, but also the least dire if things should go awry.

The Spy: Infiltrate the Station

Some are more given to skulking and sneaking about. For these kinds, another task has been given. Given that the auction is not a guaranteed win for the Clan, and that aforementioned crime lord are in charge on Refuge, some insurance is needed. As such, a team is being devoted to sneaking into the bowels of the station and its crew. The intention is to take any worthwhile objects of worth or interest to the Orian Empire, up to an including the objects up for auction. Success is not assured, so be sure to watch your back out there. The consequences of this path are greater, as are the chances for personal and unit gain.

The Brute: Break Your Way In

Where a fine tool might not get the job done, sometimes a hammer is effective. Just in case the infiltration team should fail in their job, the Consul has also ordered another team be dispatched to take the problem on from a more direct approach. This method will likely cause some tension between the Refuge and the Orian Empire, so while we ask you to use some discretion, we all realize the brute force team may very well just overwhelm those protecting the Refuge and taking what rightfully belongs to the masters of the Orian system. The consequences of this path are the most grave if things should go wrong, but so are the prizes to be gain.

The Wildcard: Carve Your Own Path

Even with the considerations of the three teams, the Consul realizes that not all want to work with a team. Sometimes, a Sith just sees a better way than those offered. To this end, Bentre is willing to turn a blind eye to those who decide to take their own means to the end. Perhaps you turn your nose up at such permissions? Perhaps you want to try to take the artifact for yourself? Maybe you want to smash up the Refuge and then the artifact to ensure that nobody can have it? In this prompt, your destiny is your own. Though, the consequences for those who take this path are as unseen as the future in the Force.


Grading will be done according to the Official VOICE Grading Rubric. Clusters of Ice will be awarded per the Voice Competition Approval Guidelines. Valid entries need to be at least 500 words.

The top entries will contribute to the resolution of the Caper competition series, so just be sure to think out your solutions and to weigh the gains versus the risks!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Naga Sadow: Caper on the Hydian Way
Organized by
Master Bentre Stahoes, Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Running time
2022-01-09 until 2022-02-06 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
3 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
3714-hydianway (1).docx
1st place
Epis Locke Sonjie
File submission
Acquisition Entry - Locke Sonjie.docx
2nd place