Competition: People of the North

People of the North

Sitrep: Selen is a diverse planet of many islands, and among the major cities like Estle, Naruba, Celeste, Korda, and Zainab, there exist a plethora of towns and villages that dot the planet’s surface. It’s time to explore and expand our understanding of this world, and that of the people that live in it.

Tunca, in particular, is an unforgiving expanse of frigid temperatures and only two seasons, The northernmost mass of land on Selen, it is completely covered in ice and snow. Because of its freezing cold temperatures, only the hardiest of life can sustain itself. Terrain includes glacial ice caps, steep crags and crevassaes, caves, cliffs, and some forestry. The only "major city" on Tunca is Zainab, a small settlement specifically constructed to provide and maintain farms and plants responsible for providing the majority of Selen's power supply. It has a minimal population of scientists and engineers who keep the farms and generators running efficiently. Inhabitants are required to work in six-month 'tours' and are often accompanied by their families. Houses are built in a cluster to keep their effect on the environment minimal, and are powered entirely by the renewable energy sources they are responsible for maintaining. Zainab also doubles as a research station for many Selenian scientists and climatologists.

The local Selenian tribes of Tunca are some of the hardiest and oldest remaining on Selen, aside from other particularly isolationist islands. They consider all others as "southerners" and have long memories for the most ancient of ways and legends. It has been a ritual for some of these tribes that still live there to send members coming of age to go survive alone in the elements for one full lunar cycle as a test of strength, maturity, and virility. Those who passed this test would be considered the prime members of their tribes. On occasion, trade and other intermingling between the Zainab scientists and staff and the local tribes has been known, and the various groups are generally on peaceful terms if not friendly ones. Some hostilities do exist, however, usually over land or law disputes between the two.

Prompt: Using this map, make a mark where your settlement or populace is located or known to be found, and bring it to life! Give it a name, describe the settlement's physical structures and layout, its population — the people, their culture, their numbers — and their relation to Tunca and to Zainab. Some things to keep in mind:

  • These settlements should be reasonably sized and able in the context of their location, functioning, etc. A village is unlikely to have thousands of workers who are all trained soldiers. Population size is also dependent upon lifestyle. Example: a farming town on a mainland will have more people than a very small island of hunter gatherers.
  • Settlements need not be of Selenian people, as Selen has seen its own share of off-world emigration from its major ports like Estle City and Ol'Val, but should still detail ways of life fitting to Selen. Example: a fishing village with several Nautolans and Twi'leks and Selenians and Humans all living together.
  • Settlements need not be beholden to Arcona or any other Selenian governments, and may very well have their own leaders and ways of life. Isolated peoples may be radically different than those who have mingled with other cultures amidst the influences of intergalactic travel. Keep diversity in mind! Example: a small boating hunting may never have even heard of the Citadel, nor the Force as it is known to Jedi and Sith.


  • Entries will textually describe their locale in detail, giving at minimum: physical description of the inhabited area(s); business conducted within the venue; and general details concerning populace. Additional art may be provided as reinforcing material or a guide, but will not be used in the grading process.
  • Preferred submission is PDF format, but Word docs and text-box submissions will also be accepted. Google Doc links will NOT be accepted.
  • The top three placements will be awarded Third Level Crescents. Due to the nature of the competition, Clusters of Ice and/or Graphite will not be awarded for entries.
  • Regardless of placement, entries may be eventually included on the DJB wiki. Note that participation does not guarantee inclusion of the locale to the database.

All participants will earn points for participation in the comp. Top three placements will earn additional points towards the overall competition. Points earned will be as follows:

  • 1st place will receive 3 points
  • 2nd place will receive 2 points
  • 3rd place will receive 1 point
  • Participation will earn 1 point
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Blood on the Ice
Organized by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, Dr. Rhylance
Running time
2022-01-10 until 2022-02-13 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
19 subscribers, of which 15 have participated.
1st place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
An'Nsi (1).pdf
1st place
Tyga Orn Nilim
File submission
People Of The North.pdf
3rd place
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
4th place
5th place
Dr. Aru Law
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
People of the North.pdf
5th place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
File submission
People of the North Entry 15010.pdf
No placement
File submission
Textual submission

Chk'laka Memorial is a prestigious medical settlement that specializes in xenobiology. Founded in memoriam of a beloved humanitarian off-worlder, they care for those who have no where else to turn. With emigration in a grand galaxy always being on the table specialists are needed on-planet to ensure everyone has access to medical assistance. Filled with dozens of brilliant doctors and scientists, Chk'laka Memorial has it's own back-up power grid in the case of outages, and some of the most state of the art medical equipment available on the planet.

No placement
Meyrath Rizara
File submission
Port Marvak Submission.pdf
No placement
File submission
No placement
Doctor Avery Erinos Watson
File submission
No placement
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
People of the North.pdf
No placement
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
People of the North.pdf
Textual submission

Marked it at the Northernmost spot, just above Zainab.

No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
People of the North - Ohana'da.pdf
Textual submission

Hopefully this meets the minimum requirement.

No placement
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
File submission
People of the North.pdf
No placement
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement