A great number of the items of interest on display aboard the Refuge include art, treasures, archaeological finds, and some items that could be best described as "status symbols".
A particular group of what you can only assume are hermits have taken interest in a number of the objects. Your job will be to depict one of these objects. Really, they can be about anything small enough to fit on the stage at the auction, so feel free to stretch your creative muscles onto what oddities these hermits (and possibly the Clan) might be interested in.
Entries will be graded based on the Herald's Grading Rubric.
Submissions should be made through the site, in the formats of: .png, .jpg., or .gif. Entries will earn Clusters of Graphite for valid entries.
1st place
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
2nd place
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
3rd place
Malisane Sadow