Competition: Jedi Temple Excursion

Jedi Temple Excursion

Prompt: Elysia is home to a sea of old temples locked away under sheets of ice. Now that the way is cleared, what is previously unexplored can now be searched for by would-be archaeologists looking for new discoveries, Force users looking for artifacts of great power, or thieves looking to make some quick credits. This is the perfect chance for you to do your own investigation, but Chancellor Ky'Lian's forces surround some of the temples, and who knows what long forgotten traps await inside. The question is, what will you do?

Rules: Focusing on your Main, Alt, or one of your NPC characters, write a piece of fiction with 500 words or more where your character follows one of these two options;

Option 1: Eliminate Ky'Lian's Strike Force

Eliminating the opposition on Elysia itself could allow the Clan to conduct its investigations with no resistance, though the results could backfire spectacularly if things go wrong.

Option 2: Investigate the Temple yourself

Whether for the Clan or for your own personal gain, investigate one of the temples yourself in order to gain whatever treasure lays inside. Maybe you'll be lucky and find the holocron Ky'Lian wants yourself? What traps and tricks await along the way?

Grading: Grading will be done utilising the Fiction Rubric 3.0

Submissions: Submissions must be done through the site. Either through PDF, a word document, or using the submit text field below.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Clan Taldryan: Investigation On Elysia
Organized by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Running time
2022-01-24 until 2022-02-14 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
6 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar
Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Crysenia Orainn
File submission
Jedi Temple Excursion comp 20220211.pdf
2nd place
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
Textual submission

"Drop me off at the nearest bar." Aay'han pulled her nose away from the Datapad with a sour look on her pale countenance.

"We're not turning around." Tracinya spoke up from her own preparations.

"I don't like the cold." Aay'han whined with renewed vigour as she started layering up.

"No one likes it, get dressed before I put my boot up your backside." The older girl barely meant it, she knew her sibling would obey.

It was a fight after all.


Three Hours Later

"Hold on ladies, we're landing in a storm, it's about to get bumpy." Juhist's smooth voice reverberated over the comm line. He didn't seem overly perturbed by the weather conditions.

The pair grasped at the overhead bars, their eyes didn't waver from the exit ramp, ready to jump as soon as it opened.

The mechanical whirr was the only warning they received. Even before it had opened fully they had begun the sprint and jump to exit.

A halestorm greeted them, as they lept a side swipe of wind shoved them aside. The thick layer of snow cushioned their joints, the ice only just below sent Aay'han skidding with an indignant yowl of displeasure.

Her sister seemed more at home here, able to maintain her balance with graceful ease which irked the Iridonian.

The Half-breed could imagine Tracinya's smug expressions as she struggled and it only angered her even more as she battled to regain her composure and balance.

"Why snow? We couldn't go to a desert?" The helm's comm distorered her voice a bit but Tracinya still heard clearly.

"Stop complaining, we get to fight soon enough then you'll be happy."

They weren't far from the fighting, crisp white giving way to pinks, and pinks to crimson. Bodies lay limp in pools of half thawed snow.

The sound of battle having moved closer to the boundaries of stone that made up the temple borders.

It was an arduous slog to get to the towering walls. Aay'han had not told her sister the gift Juhist had given her before the start of this particular trip. It sat nestled in the backpack on her back.

Nestled at the base of the temple Tracinya peeked around the corner, eyeing up the action she was about to get embroiled in.

"Are there a lot of them?" The pale Iridonian questioned quietly.

"Yeah quite a lot.." The rustling behind the Battlelord attracted her attention to whip her head back around. "What are you doing?"

The Warrior had started unpacking her pack, placing the small brick like objects against the wall.

"Still hear me, Juhist?" Seemed the subordinate was going to ignore Tracinya and had a plan in mind of her own.

"Loud and clear Ad'ika. Did you hook it all up?" The Falleen's smooth voice cracked into being over the transmission.

The younger Mandalorian turned to her sibling. "Hukaat'kama..."

Under her helm Tracinya's eyes bugged with startled surprise as the realisation hit her.

"Are you insane?"

"No, but start running, I'll catch up in a minute." Working quickly as she spoke her hands didn't stop busing herself. Juhist chattered in the background, adding instructions as he spied through the camera on Aay'han's hełm.

Tracinya refused to leave, spying around the corner making sure they weren't going to be caught short.

Eventually Aay'han tugged at Tracinya's hand and the pair started running as fast as they could through the snow. Mentally they both were panicking, neither had a clue how long they had before it went boom.

When it happened, the power of the explosion sent the pair sprawling. Snow and rubble flew in all directions, taking the nearby battle to a whole new level of chaos and death.

The sisters, however, managed to sprint far enough to not be immediately killed. The snow hit them first, they flew, and by the time everything had settled the pair had been knocked unconscious by the force of the impact.

A stray limb poked out from the drift highlighting to the Taldryanite cleanup crew where to find them.

3rd place