Competition: Dark Council on Hard Mode (Comedy)

Dark Council on Hard Mode (Comedy)

Imagine the DJB is an massively multiplayer online RPG (MMORPG). Write a guide for a Dark Council themed raid encounter in SWTOR or a made-up MMO. You can use any current Dark Councilor or Consul either by themselves or in a group of some kind.


  • Entries must be at least 50 words. Graphics such as boss illustrations or diagrams are not required but may be included and will count toward your creativity score.
  • This is a light-hearted comedy competition. Entries which are overly hostile or slanderous toward the member depicted will not be placed and in extreme cases may be referred to the Chamber of Justice. Keep it light, keep it funny.
  • Entries will be judged on creativity, level of detail and over comedy. Because "comedy" varies person to person the criteria for judging comedy in this competition will relate most closely to cleverness. The more clever the joke or reference the more comedy credit an entry will receive.
  • Entries can be pure text in the submission box, PDF, standard image format or a standard office format such as a powerpoint. Google document links will not be accepted, if you make someone on google docs then export the entry as a PDF or some other file format.
  • This competition will use blind grading so try to avoid putting identifying information in the body of your entry.

Questions to think about

These are not mandatory but points to help you flesh out your guide.

  • Describe the boss. It is one Dark Councilor or more than one? Do they have multiple phases or change forms?
  • Where does the encounter take place? An office? Arx? In space? Howie's secret panda preserve? Is there any positioning advice (such as "hide behind the couch while Howie is in panda form") to use the environment to help survive the encounter or deal more damage to the boss?
  • What attacks does the boss(es) have? What are the strategies to mitigate or avoid these attacks?
  • What special loot or loot tokens does the boss drop? It can drop some of the proposed masterwork currency from the Regent office.
  • Is there a preferred party composition to tackle this raid encounter?

Here is an example of an MMO boss guide. You do not have to follow this.

Competition Information
Organized by
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Running time
2022-02-01 until 2022-02-28 (28 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Raleien Sonavarret
Textual submission

### Navigating the Rarest Raid in the Brotherhood - Outsmarting the Headmistress of the Shadow Academy
What if I told you there was a way to get through a raid with maximum experience and loot, and absolutely 0 enemies to kill? Welcome to the guide. I am telling you now: it is possible.

Of all the potential bosses in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the leader of the Shadow Academy presents a unique conundrum. While not considered as martially powerful as the Grand Master or Fist or as clandestinely cunning as the Voice, they are undoubtedly the most intelligent boss you will face. Furthermore, the Shadow Academy located on Arx is a labyrinth within a maze; it is designed to entrap those who would dare to enter the facility with the possibility of other treasures or escape under pressure. And, of course, there are traps galore.

However, this guide will provide users a sure way of navigating through the Shadow Academy with minimal violence and maximum experience and loot reward. It will also yield a rare interaction with the raid boss themselves, if you do it right. So follow the instructions below, and have the secrets of the Academy revealed.

1. Prior to traveling to the raid dungeon "The Shadow Academy" on Arx, make sure your character maximum level in the Shadow Academy. You can do this by accomplishing a myriad of side quests known as "courses" to earn degrees and standing within the greater Academy institutions. It is also beneficial to build **trust** with the Headmistress by completing missions delivered by their right-hand, the Praetor of the Shadow Academy. This usually involves procuring items in distant secondary raid dungeons or in odd locations. However, this allows your character the maximum level access to the facility/raid dungeon possible for a player character. You need to complete each of these missions with a flawless rating and meet all secondary objectives, or this raid experience will not be possible.

2. Once you achieve this, travel to Arx. Instead of being greeted by guards who will attack once you fail to provide proper clearance, the guards will *invite* you into the complex. While you can choose to rampage through the facility and reach the final boss herself, if you decide to hold fast, you will instead be greeted with 3 major puzzles to solve on the path to the Headmistress. These questions are all part of the Test of Wisdom, which you can find detailed in another post. If you answer the three questions of the Test correctly by solving the puzzles, you will be granted access to the Headmistress without any aggro.

3. You make it through the maze unscathed to the Headmistress's office. Here, you will be tested by her one final time as a means to prove your worth. The questions will be randomly generated from the courses you have successfully passed before, so make *sure* to have a browser open with course notes to help you! There is no time limit on answers, so be thorough and take your time. If you answer her five questions successfully, the Headmistress will grant you the loot you seek, max raid XP + 2,500 bonus, and an additional randomly generated legendary item.

4. Profit. You just beat a raid without swinging your lightsaber once. Bravo.

2nd place
Boss Ragnar Kul
Textual submission

Howie Boss Raid Guide

Description: Howie "Beast Mode Bear" assumes massive form with powerful claws and a thick hide providing extensive protection from kinetic and energy damage. His massive paws provide terrible blunt force and piercing damage. His speed is slow however and attacking from behind is the best method to defeat him.

Loot: Iron Paws and massive amounts of credits and medals redeemable for gold.

Ideal Party Composition: One tank for pinning Howie, a DPS specialist for long range damage, an AOE specialist for providing time on effect damage, and a rogue for thieving of potential loot.

3rd place