Competition: A Surprise Union

A Surprise Union

Due to questionable legal precedents from the days of Consul emeritus Atyiru, the Arconae of Clan Arconae (Atyiru, Lucine, Zujenia, Kordath, Marick, and Terran) were bestowed the completely legal authority to create ‘surprise partnerships’ between individuals and other people within the Dajorra system. Or droids. Or droid brains. Or completely inanimate or animate objects such as chairs and potted plants.

You, as either a resident or visitor or just passing through, wake to find a holo-chip left on your nightstand and a brand new, legally binding partner lying next to you. The holo-chip seems to contain a recording of your ceremony, and all legal documents related to the new union.

How do you react? How do you deal with the situation? Annulment? Violence? Runaway! And who (or what) do you find yourself bonded with now?

Some of the Arconae would look disfavorably upon murderous solutions, while others may be indifferent. Which one did this to you? How did it even happen!?

In at least 500 words with no maximum, tell your story, of how you wound up hitched this Valentine’s Day, courtesy of an Arconae (Atty, let’s face it).

Grading will be done via the fiction rubric! Don’t publish if you don’t feel comfortable publishing.

In the AVD Grand Scoring scheme of things:
1stt place will be worth 6 points, reduced by one through 5th place at 2 points. All participants past that point will earn 1 point. Should this determine the overall tie of the event, fiction points will be weighted to +1 value to break ties.

(If you don't want to use the Arconae for the setup be my guest, that is not a hard requirement)

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Arcona Presents: VD 2022
Organized by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Running time
2022-02-14 until 2022-03-25 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
11 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Moff Alethia Archenksova opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
3rd place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
Four Weddings, Four Beddings, and a Funeral.pdf
3rd place
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos opted out of publishing her submission.
4th place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place