Competition: [FIST] SWTOR 7.0:With Our Powers Combined!

[FIST] SWTOR 7.0:With Our Powers Combined!

The new expansion Legacy of the Sith reworked several major systems, which now allows you to choose your fate. You can pick up to 2 combat styles now to use for a toon. Your task for this competition is to take a picture of your toon showing your combat styles. Press ‘K’ once you’ve completed the quest “Training In the Force/Training and Skills” to choose your second combat style. You’ll see a shot much like this one. Using your shot as a base, apply some after-effects to the image to show those two styles used together. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and have fun with it!

Note: If you are a free-to-play player, you can still participate in this competition. Simply take a screenshot of your chosen single combat style as your base image and apply after-effects per usual if you could choose another combat style. Just put your second style in the text box below so that I have context for the after-effects you choose.

How to Submit
Submit through the site using png or jpg formats.


  • Creativity: 30%
  • Base Image: 30%
  • After-effects: 30%
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[FIST] SWTOR Bonanza #1
Organized by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Running time
2022-02-21 until 2022-03-31 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
1st place
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
File submission
With your powers combined.png
2nd place