Just because the station is running out of oxygen and the lighting is causing seizures doesn’t mean you can’t take a moment to look photogenic for the holocam, right?
Your task is to draw a picture of either your main or alternative character (or one of the characters featured in the House fiction update) taking part in the action. Are they battling their way past automated defences into the climate control core? Are they evacuating civilians onto escape shuttles? Or are they lining their pockets with Cartel credits while nobody’s looking? Leave an iconic imprint of your acts!
Grading will be based on the Herald grading rubric and valid submissions accepted in the commonly readable image formats (.jpg, .png, etc.). No Google Drive links!
If you do not wish for your submission to be considered for addition to the official Ol’val wiki, please indicate so in the submission textbox, alongside your vote for which faction (Cartels or Paladins) you’re supporting!
1st place
Master Mune Cinteroph
2nd place
3rd place
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
4th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
5th place
Dr. Aru Law