Competition: Fiction: The Tempest

Fiction: The Tempest


The tenuous peace on Eldar has disintegrated in the face of sudden, bloody violence between Keadean and Sardinian forces across Tairiku and Aifreeann. The Sardinians appear ready to commit the full weight of their forces to crush Keadean opposition, while the Keadean leadership remains divided. The outcome of their confrontation, largely, rests on whether or not Galeres decides to intervene…and if an intervention is undertaken, for whom? And, to what extent? Will you support one faction in the annihilation or subjugation of the other? Or, will you choose a moderate path, create a new peace?

Option 1: Support the Keadeans

On this path, you throw your support behind the Keadean Council and its shoguns, attempting to help them beat back the Sardinian offensive and restore their former power. Securing central unified leadership behind one of the key Keadean lords is essential to this plan of action, aiding Galeres in supporting a moderate, effective peace. Or, the Sardinians could be primed for total conquest by surgically eliminating their leadership in the form of the Kasha…

Option 2: Support the Sardinians

On this path, you lend your assistance to the Sardinians as they attempt to establish themselves as a new global power, revenging themselves upon their former masters. The Kasha has his own plan for this; ruthless and total elimination of the Keadeans while they remain divided, aided by the removal of their strongest leaders, such as Toronaga and Ryo’Urinaga. Or, you could forge a new plan, by guiding a change towards more moderate leadership.

Option 3: Support Galeres’ Control

By forging this new path, you aim to leverage the weaknesses in both powers in order to achieve a greater degree of control for Galeres upon Eldar. By playing the Keadeans and Sardinians against each other, both might be weakened enough for Galeres to force their leadership elements to accept Galerian command. This would require significant tact, and substantial leadership changes… and might, perhaps, achieve the most lasting peace, with the least amount of blood shed.

These options, of course, are open to your creative interpretation. Moreover, alongside the remainder of the competitions, they will play a significant part in the eventual outcome of the event. Choose wisely. Lives, afterall, should not be squandered lightly…

Reference Material: Eldar The Keadean Confederacy Native Population: Keadeans and Sardinians Arcona Expeditionary Force Shihon

The top three submissions will earn points as follows:

1st- 6 points 2nd- 5 points 3rd- 4 points

All valid submissions will also receive two points for participation

How to Submit

Write a fiction at least 500 words long from the point of view of your main character, alternate character, or NPCs. There is no maximum word count. Submissions must be made in .pdf, .doc, or .text format. Include the number of the option taken in the text box.

Rules and Grading

  • A Snapshot of all included player characters and NPCs should be included in the submission.
  • Adult content is allowed, but please warn your graders, and don’t publish your submission if it exceeds a PG-13 rating.
  • Grading will be based on the Voice Fiction Rubric.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
House Galeres: Operation Stormfront
Organized by
Sera Kaern
Running time
2022-04-30 until 2022-05-18 (19 days)
Target Unit
House Galeres
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
Vorran Shadowfeather
Vorran Shadowfeather opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place