Competition: GJW Preperation CS Analysis

GJW Preperation CS Analysis

Prompt: Every single character has strengths and weaknesses. But how well can you really analyze a character sheet? Now you get to find out!

Rules: Follow the link below to the character sheet. From there, comb through and analyze it. You must write three short paragraphs (minimum 50 words each, no max word limit) explaining;

1) What your characters plan is for beating them.

2) what you think their plan would be for beating your character.

3) how you think the fight would actually go down.

Submissions: Entries should be submitted through the site in either a PDF, a WORD document, or in the submit text box below.

Grading: Grading will be based on the most creative and detailed analysis of both the enemy CS, your characters, and how the confrontation would go down.

Good luck everyone!


Competition Information
Parent Competition
A Great Jedi War Preparation Series
Organized by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Running time
2022-05-15 until 2022-05-22 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
13 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
1st place
Tomora Nay'ek
Tomora Nay'ek
Tomora Nay'ek opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
Ellisyn Kendis
File submission
CS Analysis.pdf
2nd place
Sage Lontra Boglach
Textual submission

1) What your character's plan is for beating them.
With the assumption that Raiju Kang has the opportunity to set up the fight, Raiju would likely try to lure Darrio to a bar or patio under the illusion that they are going out for several rounds of drinks. Given Darrio's nature to avoid intimate relationships, Raiju may have to work the angle that they have a mutual job or interest to discuss while ignoring the defensive pushback the man is likely to display. To avoid suspicion, Raiju would focus the conversation on any gambling or game of cards that could be played and given his reputation for spice use he'd excuse himself to the refresher as if going for another hit every time Darrio was getting their next round. Played off like a bender of a night, once Darrio was well past his tolerance Raiju would provoke a fight from Darrio using his sharp tongue and wit to drill down on points surrounding Darrio's and Appius' relationship. As a practitioner of Dun Moch, Raiju would continue to insult Darrio throughout their encounter to play off Darrio's emotions and provoke his recklessness. While Darrio is competent in fighting Force-users, Raiju's speciality in using Sokan and Dun Moch techniques while using the Djem So form would have the Nautolan using the environment and great displays of the Force to keep Darrio on his toes while closing any distance between the combatants that Darrio may be able to create. Leading the battle into a epic display of Mandalorian fighting against great force usage, Raiju would aim to switch the conflict at the right moment to take advantage of his own Mandalorian vambraces.

2) what you think their plan would be for beating your character.
Raiju has a reputation for being an unsavory character that Darrio will likely not suffer willingly. Combine this with the fact that Darrio is not interested in developing friendships with others and keeping them at a distance, it's likely Darrio will be making sniping comments at Raiju's expense while demanding the Nautolan explain why they need to be there together. When it comes time for the conflict to erupt, Darrio will be focused on gaining as much flexibility in the fight as possible and likely not remain in the initial setting that things erupt. Moving around the bar or even into the streets surrounding it, Darrio will be focused on switching tactics in an unpredictable fashion that makes use of his explosives and blasters, even at the cost of collateral damage. His flamethrower will help keep Raiju's lightsaber away while blasters and explosives can be used at range.

3) how you think the fight would actually go down.
I pity the bar or property owner that will have to clean up after these two have faced off. Emotions will run high with these two pecking at each other's egos, reckless displays of force and explosives will leave the area in ruins, and with both using the environment to gain an advantage could see the battle move through several properties before one or both are fatally wounded. The one saving grace could be Raiju's reputation for preferring a deal over a fight, where if the two could find a mutual benefit for working together they'd unleash a reckoning on any in their way.

3rd place
Centam Javik
File submission
GJW Preparation CS Analysis.pdf
No placement
Koda Kendis
File submission
No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

1) What your characters plan is for beating them.

Von’s largest advantages over Darrio is his status as a Force user, his physical might and his stamina. Von’s plan would be to wear down Darrio by blocking and redirecting Dario’s blaster shots against him. Darrio has a set of Beskar that gives him a lot of protection but it does not cover every area of the body. Von would aim to target one of the unprotected areas with his saber. His backup plan would be to enhance his might even further with Force Rage and beat Darrio through his armor. Von may not be able to penetrate the armor but the squishy flesh inside can only survive so much blunt force trauma.

2) what you think their plan would be for beating your character.

Dario’s main advantages are his athletics, mobility, martial arts and variety of weapons. Von’s armor covers his whole body but unlike Beskar Darrio could wear down the magnetic force field and destroy Von’s armor given enough time. If Von managed to close in to melee range Darrio could force him back through efficient use of his flamethrower attachment on his Mandalorian Vambraces.

3) how you think the fight would actually go down.

The outcome of the battle depends largely on whether Von has foreseen the conflict with his Farsight power. While his high skill with the power makes this foreknowledge likely it is not guaranteed that Von would know this fight is taking place. If Von foresaw the fight he would have knowledge of Darrio’s martial arts, jetpack and vambraces and have time to develop strategies against them. If he does not foresee the fight he would have to rely on his physical skills.

The fight itself would start as a war of attrition. Darrio would weaken Von with various weapons while flying with his jetpack. Von would likely fake a weakness or stumble as a feint with the hope of drawing Darrio in. If successful he would try and take Darrio’s hit directly and counterattack with extreme force. If Darrio keeps his distance Von would pull him with Telekinesis into melee range and attempt to destroy his jetpack.

Darrio would stall Von using his various weapons but Von’s armor and healing capabilities would keep him fighting long enough to grapple Darrio. Von would then finish the fight through might and blunt force trauma or using Force Drain against him.

No placement