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Agate Gua'lara
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- Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
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Aedile Tali Sroka
- File submission
- Crystal Blaster.zip
- Textual submission
The Crystal Blaster is the simple designation given to a general class of enhanced blaster pistols found in possession of CoM officers. These utilize Ascendant Crystal Matrixes to imbue the plasma bolts with increased lethality and penetration.
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Master Selika Roh di Plagia
- File submission
- Rectifier Assault Lander.pdf
- Textual submission
Video 360 view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGVFgoSP5JU
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Nikora Rhan
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- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
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Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
- File submission
- Power of the Crystal.pdf
- Textual submission
in the event the document did not attach, it may be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O-LBRDjxWEl7be9_DEuNe7UNsB85K8R6csMcsTDlWgs/edit?usp=sharing
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Thran Occasus-Palpatine
- File submission
- GJWscratchbuild.pdf
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Jael Valsi Chi'ra
- Textual submission
A crystal Bird companion/animal - a version of Convor bird.
Eyes have been almost crystalized within the iris with micro filaments and crystal growths on the body.
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Envoy Zuza Lottson
- File submission
- 20220629_170125.jpg
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A crystallised Rancor
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Savant Zuser Whuloc
- File submission
- 3CD63365-A059-4B44-9B6D-FE15451BA758.jpeg
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Crystal assault fighter
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Sage Enzo Dek
- File submission
- image_123927839 (2).JPG
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The white layered crystal, made used folding paper multiple times over itself to create a pyramid.
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No placement
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Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
- File submission
- powerofcrystals.png
- Textual submission
An early prototype with notes from the researcher that was rejected by the Dark Council in testing. Howlader did not approve of the flavor profile and so the project was ultimately canceled.
Props used: Oxo Salt Shaker, salt crystals, watermelon juice
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Qyreia Arronen
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- Qyreia Arronen opted out of publishing her submission.
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Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
- File submission
- IMG_20220603_201717.jpg
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Crystal woven cowl, having broken down the crystals into base components then woven into a fine and colourful fabric. The item gives an awareness of other crystals in the area but has the drawback of attracting enemy attention whilst being worn.
Item is lace weight yarn that has been knitted
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- Member
Elyon de Neverse
- File submission
- Elyon_-_3D_model_of_Crystal_blaster (1).mp4
- Textual submission
3D model of Crystal blaster
- Placement
No placement
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Aylin Sajark
- File submission
- 20220702_164113.jpg
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Crystal enhanced milicreep, their shocks are now even stronger as is their computing power
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Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- File submission
- Magic spoon
- Textual submission
Crystal Research: Weapons
Trying to do anything with your children around can be a hassle. All the nagging and whining when you're trying to cook a meal can be so irritating. But it doesn't have to be!
Introducing the Mortis Magic Spoon, by Odanite !
With the Mortis Magic Spoon, you can chase those pesky kids out of your kitchen for good. Our scientist has found the secret to harnessing the power of the red crystals left behind by the Children of Mortis and now that power can be yours! With a few quick flicks of your wrist, your kids will be forever entombed inside a beautiful crystal structure that you can then move anyplace in your house. Place them by a window to fill the room with rays of crimson light.
This can all be your for 3 easy payments of just $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
But wait, there's more!
If you call within the next 5 minutes, you get a second one absolutely free!
That's almost a $60 value!
So call toll free 1-800-555-9118
Why wait?
Call now!
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General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
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- General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos opted out of publishing her submission.
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Tasha'Vel Versea
- File submission
- 20220704_184501.jpg
- Textual submission
This is the Mortis Baton. It was created using the scales of a crystal raptor and a crystalyzed butterfly.
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- Member
Master Bentre Stahoes
- File submission
- mortis_blaster_fabrication
- Textual submission
This blaster has been based loosely off the old blaster models used by the Rebel Alliance due to the ease of finding parts. Using a crystal-lined chamber and several small chunks of crystal on points of the weapon to enhance the effect, this weapon is able to deliver blaster bolts that can both harm organics *and* disable electronics to frightening effect.
The materials used were:
1 inch pvc,, 3/4 pvc, dowel rods, tape, aluminum tape, conduit clamps, copper fittings, scrap lumber, a furniture leg, a bit of sequin-looking things my wife has and some odds and ends from around the house. Paint was used to enhance the object so it looked less like a hodge-podge of bits and parts from the hardware store. I used the Rebel Blaster for the OG trilogy as a bit of inspiration and kind of just went from there.
The Weapons and Personal Armor research field is of course what this object descends from.
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Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
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- Ashia Kagan Keibatsu opted out of publishing her submission.
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Creon Neverse
- File submission
- IMG_20220706_150518.jpg
- Textual submission
It's meant to protect a blue kyber crystal, albiet a thin one for a shoto. I took a pencil and carved out the outer layer then colored it blue.
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- Member
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
- File submission
- Crystal Infused Armor.jpeg
- Textual submission
What you see here is an early prototype for crystal infused armor. The body is basically wrapped in what appears, to the untrained observer, to be tinfoil. The Crystal is then worn in an (not pictured) helmet which feeds off the wearer's neural energies to power the suit.
Again, only to the untrained observer does this look less than mighty.
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Nora Olen
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- Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
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Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
- Submission
- Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson opted out of publishing his submission.
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Dr. Aru Law
- File submission
- 16551451455642354042874400909933.jpg
- Textual submission
The amazing and very dangerous "Poorly wrapped in linen solari crystal"
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- File submission
- 16159263-1FF8-4F66-9D9C-65C7E2DD6BC2.jpeg
- Textual submission
This is one of the crystals currently in safe storage on Aliso.
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No placement