Competition: [GJW XV Phase I] Fiction - Combat Fiction

[GJW XV Phase I] Fiction - Combat Fiction
This competition is in the [GJW XV Phase I] Fiction Bin. Participating in a competition in this bin for the first time awards 3 points for your Clan. Cumulatively, the placements in this competition are worth 11.0% of placement points in this Phase. See the parent competition for detailed rules.


All out war has broken out between the Dark Brotherhood and Children of Mortis. High value targets have been identified by members of the Inquisitorius with the help of E.D.I., the Entire Database of the Inquisitorius, and their current locations disclosed across the Inquisitorius network. You have been chosen to take the fight to these high value targets, and deal a blow to the Children of Mortis’ efforts to undermine and eliminate the Dark Brotherhood.

Write a combat oriented fiction detailing the conflict between your character and a high value target. You are to pick one (1) of the following high-value targets.

High-Value Targets

Elder: Purified Ascendant Trooper

EQ: Jezora Zosh

JM: Startouched Researcher


  • Entries must be submitted in .pdf or .txt format or using the submission box on the Brotherhood website.
    • No GoogleDoc links or .DOC files, please download as a .pdf using "File" -> "Download as" "PDF Document (.pdf)" and submit through the website
    • If your entry is not PG-13, please make sure to hide your entry by unchecking the “Allow people to view your submission after the competition has been judged” box
  • Write an action-focused fiction of at least 500 words with no maximum, outlining a combat skirmish with one (1) of the above targets.
  • Your story should be centered on your main character or alternative character. Slotted NPCs, Wikipedia NPCs, or other characters that you create or invent to tell your story are not only allowed but encouraged. However, your narrative should focus around either your main character or alternative character.
  • You must select and submit a snapshot of your main character or alternative character with your entry.
  • This competition will award up to four (4) bonus Clusters of Ice at a rate of 1 per 500 words, in addition to the normal clusters awarded for fiction competitions


Submitted entries will be graded using the Voice Fiction Rubric

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Great Jedi War XV: Ascension
Organized by
Darth Renatus, Councillor Turel Sorenn
Running time
2022-05-28 until 2022-06-12 (16 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Novae and regular and bonus Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
57 subscribers, of which 37 have participated.
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
Ph I Fiction - Combat Fiction (CrysAsc).pdf
2nd place
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
File submission
GJW Combat.pdf
3rd place
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Master Selika Roh di Plagia opted out of publishing her submission.
4th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
5th place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
Combat Fiction.pdf
6th place
7th place
Daro Vane
Daro Vane
File submission
Sacrifice - A GJW XV Story (1).pdf
7th place
8th place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
8th place
Master Mune Cinteroph
File submission
Slugthrowers, Lightsabers & Coffee.pdf
9th place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
A Damn Drink-1.pdf
10th place
General Zentru'la
File submission
Textual submission

503 words in the main body after removing title page

No placement
Aedile Raistlin
Textual submission

Ever since joining Clan Vizsla, Raist had strived to take the toughest bounties, the ones nobody else could handle.

Ranger Jezora Zosh was one such target. The high-ranking CoM member had been assigned to Raist by E.D.I, and now the only thing left was to finish the job. Raist had a very long, and successful career bounty hunting, and he had never failed to bring in his quarry. Today would be no different.

With a speed possessed by few, Raist ignited his lightsaber and jammed it into the bulkhead in front of him. The durasteel began to dissolve and DEA-7H moved into a defensive position to anticipate whatever resistance would be awaiting them.

As the metal crumbled in front of him, Raistlin saw at least a dozen soldiers and droids, possibly more, all arrayed in a wall in front of him and his droid. They were making sure the Exarch would have no chance at reaching Ranger Zosh

They lasted less then ten seconds.

As DEA-7H started firing, Raist moved with unnatural speed, aided by the Force. DEA-7H dropped one, and Raist took another step. Raist's droid nailed another head shot before the assembled forces arrayed against them could raist their blasters against the intruders.

And then Raist was on them.

His lightsaber tore through their ranks in a blur. As he descended upon the ten or so guards left, they could not focus on which combatant to face, since both proved so much of a threat. Raist bisected a Rodian and then cleaved the appendages off of two humans that were closest to him. A guard droid was able to get two shots off, but then Raist ripped him asunder with one swipe.

As the forces arrayed against them dropped, DEA-7H paused. Enemies were dying so quickly he couldn't maintain target lock on any one individual. Within a minute, the arrayed resistance of the Lightbringers lay before Raist, the cool metal floor of the bridge was pooling with blood of different sentients and mixed appendages.

In front of Raist and his droid stood the Ranger Jezorza Zosh. Though he was shorter then the Exarch, Raist could tell he had been in many personal combat situations by the sheer number of scars criss-crossing the skin exposed out of armor. The man said nothing before igniting his saber and Riot Shield. For a few moments, the hum of these items was all that filled the room as the two combatants sized each other up.

"I'm here to bring you in, dead or alive" Raist said, fully knowing what the outcome was going to be.

Jezora said nothing, simply slamming his shield into the ground in defiance, the gesture told Raistlin everything he needed to know. No sooner was the shield raised back into a defensive posture then did the Exarch sprint to close the distance between himself and the Ranger. Raist was amazed at the man's speed and strength, despite his stature. He belied and bespoke power, and Raist could not underestimate this man and expect to emerge victorious.

Raist backed up, and the moment space was created between the two of them DEA-7H opened fire, forcing Jezora to bring up his riot shield to stave off fire. Raist increased the salvo from his arm cannon, and the two of them were forcing Jezora back, forcing him to retreat behind the nearest exposed bulkhead. His frame was hidden but Raist started to close the distance. Within two steps he had re-engaged the Ranger.

This time, Raist had him on the defensive. His posture belied his disadvantage, for though he was trading blows with Raist, the two men hearing sabers rattle off each other in a deadly ballet, Raist could feel his opponent's focus fading. Raist pressed the assault that much more, drawing on the Force to amplify his speed, making him a blur. Jezora kept up admirably, but as Raist feigned, and he went to react, Raist trailed his blade downward, severing the link on Jezora's riot shield, and forcing it to clatter to the ground.

Jezora screamed in anger, instantly drawing an ornate Sith Sword from across his back and charging back at the Exarch. With his mobility enhanced, Jezora was a threat anew, and the two danced for longer, neither giving a nanometer, for if either did, they would lose the advantage, and perhaps the battle.

Who would yield first? Neither... DEA-7H grabbed Jezora from behind as the two moved around him. As he tried to flip out of the droid's grasp, DEA-7H increased pressure, forcing Jezora to draw on the force and unleash a telkinetic blast, knocking everyone back and out.

Disoriented, Raist stood first, he couldn't tell if DEA-7H was damaged permanently or not, only that he had to seize the momentum before it was lost. Despite the heavy armor he was wearing, Raist managed to get to his feet first, while the Ranger could barely get to one knee. Raist was relentless, hammering blows down upon the Ranger who was now backpedaling to fend off the assault.

Jezora stood, but it was too late, Raist had him. The exarch plunged his lightsaber cleanly into Jezora's chest as he stood and then slid it downward. As the life left his eyes, Raist said nothing, turning away knowing he had won. He paused for just a moment, then he went to check on DEA-7H to see if he could be salvaged.


No placement
Centam Javik
File submission
GJW XV Phase I Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
File submission
Crystal, tricks and creatures.pdf
Textual submission

Choosen opponent:
Startouched Researcher

No placement
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Kaled Atros
File submission
Combat Fiction -1.pdf
Textual submission

Caxquett's are the creatures that Kaled (my main character) rescued from the temple event Arcona had 2 or 3 years ago? They are various in color and physic.
They walk on four legs and are like....puppies? I'll include a link to the Pinterest I received to what they usually look like. Just keep in mind that they are still young and little.

No placement
Creon Neverse
File submission
Combat Fiction.pdf
Textual submission

Target: Purified Ascendant Trooper
Featuring: Elyon de Neverse, CS:

No placement
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
File submission
GJW XV Fiction - Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Tribune Kanal O'neill
File submission
Combat Fiction GJW.pdf
No placement
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Tasha'Vel Versea
Tasha'Vel Versea opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
overkill is underrated.pdf
No placement
Aylin Sajark
File submission
The babysitter.pdf
No placement
Master Alaris Jinn
File submission
Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
Combat Fiction Entry Competition_ [GJW XV Phase I] .pdf
Textual submission

My crazy submission for Combat!


No placement
Meyrath Rizara
File submission
DJB - Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Nora Olen
Textual submission

Combat Fiction

High Value Targets
Target 1
Master Purified Ascendant Trooper
Sith, Sorcerer
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 96.6kg

I could take this guy in a fight. He was a bit bigger than me, but I was taller.

Covered in crystalline plating, and sharp crystal growths appearing out of most of his joints

That was a little concerning, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Alaris had strongly discouraged me from going after him, stating I was not ready, but what did he know? Sure he was my Master, but he wasn’t always right.

I could go after Target 3, the Startouched Researcher, but I liked a challenge. Plus, it was going to sound really good if I, Nora Olen, defeated the Elder Purified Ascendant Trooper.

Thinking back to the conversation with my Master only made me more determined to fight Target 1.


“Again!” Alaris demanded as he flipped me onto my back for the tenth time. A War was happening, but that didn’t stop Alaris from canceling our combat session. You would have thought a war would have been a great excuse to cancel, but no. Here I was, covered in sweat and blood from training for what seemed like hours.

Groaning a little, I quickly got to my feet, ready to counter whatever move he was going to make next. He swung his lightsaber at me, which I barely had time to dodge. That didn’t stop him, he continued his attack, swinging it back and forth, as I swiftly tried to move from each attack.

Swing. Step back. Swing. Dodge. Swing. Crouch down. Swing

Alaris was brutal, and most often never stopped combat until I was almost beaten to death. He was like that with every apprentice. He says being kept alive was a mercy. A mercy after almost getting beaten to death? How kind of him. I thought about his demise often. I thought about beating him to death to see how he felt. I hated him with all my being, but for some reason, I continued to stay. He was my Master after all. Even though I often got beaten almost to death, I was even more motivated to win.

I swung my own lightsaber, hoping to surprise attack, but Alaris was prepared. His boot met my stomach, and I was suddenly flying backwards, before I hit the ground. I felt as if the wind was knocked out of me. Damn it! I didn’t have time to react, or even get up before Alaris had his lightsaber at my neck.

“You cannot even beat me, and you think you can go out and defeat the Elder Purified Ascendant Trooper?” He laughed harshly. “You will die, little girl.”

I grinded my teeth, even more enraged.

“Stand up!” He demanded once again, and I quickly got to my feet, ready to go again. I had to prove him wrong. I was not weak. I could defeat him.


I stood in the clearing, staring at him from a distance. He was wearing Unbound Armor, and a Armorweave Cloak. I could see an Elder Lightsaber attached to his side, and a Sith Sword in his right hand. He was ready for combat.

Before I had time to do anything, he charged towards me, head-first. I had enough time to ignite my lightsaber, before our weapons collided. He swung at me again and again, as I continued to dodge his attacks with my lightsaber. It almost felt effortless for him, as he continued to swing at me. It was like no effort at all, and here I was starting to breathe heavier and working out a sweat.

Backflipping away from his attack, I managed to surprise him by shattering a piece of crystal seeping out of his armor with my lightsaber. He howled in response, before swinging his sword at me. I managed to dodge it, before kicking his right hand. His Sith sword dropped to the ground in a quick motion.

This seemed to fuel him more, as he swung his fist into my head. The world disappeared for a second, and I was on the ground. My vision was blurry, but I could make out his shape. He swung his Sith sword towards me. I rolled away to avoid the attack. His sword slammed into the ground. He left it and charged towards me, attempting to slam his fists into me once again.

I was able to roll away from him once again, which angered him more. He attempted to hit me once again, but this time, he managed to get a hold of my leg. One moment I was on the ground, the next instant, I was thrown in the air, and slammed into the ground.

He had tricked me. Pretending to punch, but really wanted to grab my legs. I should have known. I was such an idiot!

My face was bleeding now, as my body collided into a hard rock. I thought Alaris was brutal, but this Target was intense. I didn’t have much time to react before he was on me once again, punching me with his fists. He punched every surface of my body. With every blow, I felt my energy starting to fade. I was such a fool to think I could defeat him.

All I felt was pain. I thought my beatings with Alaris were bad, those were nothing in comparison to this.

My vision was blurry, and my eyes stung from the dirt, involuntary tears and blood. I had enough sense to make out a red haze as it appeared in front of me. I knew it was his lightsaber, and that this was the end of me. All because I thought I was good enough to defeat an Elder.

I shut my eyes, in preparation for the inevitable. A few seconds had passed, and nothing. I waited a few more seconds until I heard a familiar voice.

“You stupid, child.” I heard the voice of my Master, Alaris Jinn say. Opening my eyes, I saw his blue form appear in my vision. I couldn’t make out most of his features, but I was able to make out his eyes. His green eyes were filled with disappointment and rage.

I felt my body being picked up, and a light breeze that felt nice on my body. We were moving. “H-How?” I managed to stutter out. I was sure I was dead there. Or perhaps I was dead?

“A distraction. You’re lucky to be alive. Don’t make me regret this,” was the last words I heard, before I managed to pass out from the pain.

No placement
Tyga Orn Nilim
File submission
Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
File submission
[GJW XV Phase I] Fiction - Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Battlemaster Karran Val'teo
File submission
Combat Writing GJW XV.docx
No placement
Ryan Hawkins
File submission
Great Jedi War Combat Fiction.pdf
No placement
Envoy Zuza Lottson
File submission
1+1 = Window.pdf
No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
Phase 1 combat fiction gjw15 14185.pdf
No placement
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
File submission
Phase 1 fiction.pdf
No placement