Competition: [CSP] Wait, who 's that guy? - An NPC Competition

[CSP] Wait, who 's that guy? - An NPC Competition


The Star Wars franchise has a long and storied history of the fabled of the background character. From Mos Eisley Cantina, Jabba’s Palace, the Command briefing on Home One, or Quilan Vos appearing in Phantom Menace, there have been hundreds of characters that appeared in the background of the Star Wars films.

While our characters take center stage in the story of Clan Scholae Palatinae, there are no doubt countless other characters that play a role in our growing Empire.


Your task is to create a character profile for one of the many NPC characters that may inhabit the Caperion System. Create a character with a compelling backstory that will be featured in future Clan fictions.

Is this character a brave TIE Pilot? A cunning Naval Officer? A crafty agent of Imperial Intelligence? A nefarious back-alley information dealer? A conman taking advantage of the locals? An industry czar? The Clan’s next great enemy? You decide!

Your entry must include the following:

  • Character Name
  • Character Species
  • Short Physical Description
  • Character Relevance/History to the Clan

Optional things you may include:

  • Images (properly cited or original)
  • A character sheet using the Sandbox Character Sheet available in the Admin page (Provide the Sandbox Code for the completed sheet)


  • Syntax 15%
  • Originality 45%
  • Presentation 40%
Competition Information
Organized by
Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Running time
2022-08-05 until 2022-08-26 (22 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
4 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
Xendar Thendaris
File submission
A'xen Jerzalt.docx
1st place
3rd place
Sage Enzo Dek
Sage Enzo Dek
File submission
Mekanos Shrain.docx
3rd place
Textual submission

Name: Jarba Yojarganna
Species: Mirialan

Born on the planet Mirial, Jarba was discovered as a force sensitive child by an older individual who claimed to know the ways of the Jedi. Her yellow-green skin and diamond pattern facial tattoos on her forehead and chin, was her trademark tell, along with her amethyst colored eyes. With her medium brown hair in a ponytail, she was briefly trained in the Jedi ways, honing her force powers, eventually learning how to lift small objects and had the occasional force vision, by her teacher before going off on her own once she became of age. She eventually discovered the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in search of the long lost Jedi history after the passing of her master.

Sandbox code: 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

4th place