Competition: [Fiction] - Famous Last Words

[Fiction] - Famous Last Words

I am sitting now waiting for rescue. It has been eight hours.

While investigating the archaeological site on Trepus, the Odanites begin piecing together what took place there and where the archaeologists have gone. Clues are few and far between, with only a mass of footprints leading into the temple and a handful of journals to tell the tale. From operations documents to personal records, some offer hints into what took place.

If you've ever wanted to write the kind of apocalyptic log people find in horror stories, this is your chance. In a format of your choice (private diary, excavation documents, etc) detail a period of time surrounding the excavation and note down what went on. Were there sinister goings-on leading up to the temple being breached? Were people hearing voices? Were they part of the groups sent into the temple to bring back items? Were they simply freelancers hired for a job they didn't ask enough about, and their bosses made increasingly unreasonable demands? The choice is yours.

For a few great examples, take a look at the original Dracula novel, The Martian, or about half the things H.P. Lovecraft wrote. Or if you want a really quick one, there's this famous one from Lord of the Rings. If you're still not sure, please feel free to contact us over this.


  • All submissions must follow a journal or diary format of some form, covering a period of a few hours to several weeks.
  • All submissions must have at least one entry of 500 words in length, not including time and date notations.
  • Grading will follow the Voice Fiction Rubric.
  • All submissions must be made as PDF files.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Streets Painted Crimson - The Hollow Mountain
Organized by
Nikora Rhan, Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu
Running time
2022-08-19 until 2022-09-08 (21 days)
Target Unit
Clan Odan-Urr
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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