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Nikora Rhan
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Thran Occasus-Palpatine
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- ProbowlLocation.pdf
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Darth Renatus
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**Eos Entrancing Effects**
**Eos City, Arx**
At Triple E, you'll find everything that could make you positively squee! With delight of course! What are you thinking? Come now, out of the gutter with you, cross the precipice and be transported to a world of delights! Located in the heart of Eos City, one needs to make their way through a labyrinthian trail of shops and cantinas to find themselves within the hidden world of Eos. The city beneath the city. Therein, one finds an unassuming door. But not just any door, no, this door has a chime. A series of chimes in fact. When pressed—in the correct order, of course—the right tune shall reveal the door's truly glorious form as a neon glow comes over you. From there, you enter Triple E! Whether you're here for confectionary fun or intoxicating ale, you will find it here. Vats and containers line the walls, accompanied by samplers, as a light fog coats the floor and bright neon pink assaults your eyes. The sound of electronic dance music lets you know the vibe without having to spell it out for you, though spell it out Triple E does. A large lounge and arcade take up the majority of the central structure, standing apart from the assortment of shopping that can be done in the outer layer. It's truly fun for all ages, but you have to follow the rules. Why? Because the signs say so! The rules are plastered everywhere and enforced by particularly nasty looking bouncers. But, truly, they couldn't harm a fly. At least, that's what you'll believe after a large serving of our Entrancing Effects!
So, what are you waiting for? Come to Eos Entrancing Effects and discover another world!
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Teylas Ramar
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Councillor Turel Sorenn
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- The Tiger Den.pdf
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High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
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Vizsla Frostwolf Fortress
In reaction to witnessing the power of creatures utilized by the Children of Mortis, Clan Vizsla has begun a creature program of their own. Through genetic manipulation the Clan has taken the Arx Wolf and increased its size to that of the fabled Loth Wolf, as well as augmenting its intelligence so it can serve as a mount for Vizsla Cavalry.
These Frost Wolves are kept in the newly constructed Frostwolf Fortress. The planetary base was constructed on Zsoldos near the Roark-Cole-Tressor Research Station at the Southern Pole. The Fortress is meant to protect the Research Station while also acting as a training ground for the Frost Wolves and Clan Vizsla ground vehicles. The cold climate serves to ensure that the vehicles are capable of functioning even in harsh conditions.
Behind the Fortress is a large spaceport to allow for quick transportation of troops and resources on and off the planet without needing to bother the local inhabitants of Zsoldos.
The Fortress is built out of doonium and painted in stone grey colors. Motifs of snarling Frostwolves fighting alongside and being ridden by Clan Vizsla forces adorn the walls of the building.
The building is defended by the Calvary and Land Vehicles. It also has a series of anti air weapons and a shield to guard against air and orbital bombardments.
While not as large as the dedicated forges found in the Kast War Forge, the Frostwolf Fortress has a small forge where weapons and other gear can be manufactured. It has a garage for the Land Vehicles which is staffed by a team of mechanics.
The building is connected to the Roark-Cole-Tressor Research Station by a magnetic train line. This line is heavily guarded by some of the elite Frostwolf Calvary.
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Corsair Chrome
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Zsoldos-Ebon Ridge: Furthering the current description, the centerpiece of this underworld is the Grave Mistake Cantina. Built in a once up & coming area, it now gives service to the scum of the planet. Gambling, dancing, drinking - all the best and dirtiest entertainment you can think of.
The Cantina’s flashy style and clean look can fool those that don’t know any better. If you even take your eye off your drink for a second, you can be sure that you’ll wake up in the street, having lost all your possessions, if not more.
The only droids allowed are those that work within the cantina. The best card counters you could ever get deal the best hands you’ll ever see before giving way to the well established concept, “the House always wins.”
Located in the back is a secret panel door leading to the room that adds meaning to the area’s “Murder Alley” name. This room holds information on all the local bounties. Step up to the computer and earn your credits and respect with plenty of on-planet as well as off-planet bounties that pay top dollar………..and some that don’t, but will likely be fun anyway. There might even be some you could find within 100 meters of the cantina itself. Maybe some that have access and are in the very room, picking up the bounty on YOU!
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
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- Homeworld Location.pdf
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Tribune Kanal O'neill
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Viz Daddys is the local watering hole where the Mandalorian clan goes to relieve themselves after a long days hunt. There are some perks to being a Mando in Clan Vizsla and this is one of them. It is located on the moon of Daemunn a few miles south of the main military base in a small encampment previous held by pirates before the last great hunt. Aedile of Vizsla, Chrome runs the bar as one of his primary sources of income. When he is not out hunting, or fighting enemies of the clan, he is counting credits and making bounty pucks for the rest of the clan to chase around the galaxy.
Most recently Viz Daddys has become a place of refuge for people looking for a place to go to escape the fighting that has been going on. With the Children of Mortis threat gone for the moment, it is also a place where groups not loyal to anyone have been seen planning what is next for them and their groups. It exists with a bar area toward the front of the establishment, with side tables in low lit corners as well as a VIP room towards the back. It has only one entrance.
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Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
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Taldryan Ewok Academy
Located deep within the wilds of the Shada Jungle, the Taldryan Ewok Academy is a place where Proconsul and Grand Admiral Teebu Nyrrire secretly trains his private forces which consist entirely of Ewoks. Currently consisting of nearly a legion's worth of Ewoks, they are trained in a variety of skills based on their individual specializations such as snipers, lancers, martial artists, and BB-8 riding cavalry. The first formed division of these Ewoks, known as Ewokian Delta, is a unit comprised of 1,842 Ewoks that specialize in riding BB-8 droid units and various cavalry style weaponry including swords, spears, bow and arrows, and their own claws.
Ewokian Delta has seen one field test on a small town in the swamp regions of Chyron, where the few witnesses that survived detailed a story of complete horror. Mutilated bodies, vicious and ravenous furry creatures that consumed the remains of their utterly surprised and very dead enemies leaving not even the bones, before riding away just as quickly as they had came. The story was so outlandish, that no one believed the witnesses and instead made them outcasts for having gone mad. Rumor has it this unit may eventually join the ranks of the Taldryan Military...a thought that scares many children at night.
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Empress Rayne Palpatine
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Located on Seraph on the continent Elaya in the major city of Corocova, stands the massive Fountain of Solidarity. Built over a century ago, this fountain in the middle of the largest lake is here to celebrate the ways the people in this region have always overcome struggles in the past. Its position within Corocova is meant to represent the intertwining of all lives in this community and the strength that comes with unity. Designed by an upcoming local artist at the time who marvelously captured the varied history of the region and used an elegant style, meticulously decorated with engravings of past poets, to convey her vision in this piece of art. Nearly every element was crafted and created with smooth blackstone from local suppliers, ensuring this monument will continue to be a proud part of this community for generations. Mechanical pumps allows this fountain to recycle water from the lake and to force it high into the air to create a decorative fleur-de-lis style as it hits the water and illuminated by lights of the colors of the city it represents, creating a sight to behold for all the see. The locals hold a national annual holiday surrounding the fountain and what it stands for and enjoy an evening by the lake.
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- Obsidian's location.docx
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Epis Locke Sonjie
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Sepros Minor
Sepros Minor is the smaller, lesser known moon of Sepros. A barely hospitable desert world, it is a sandy wasteland mostly covered in dunes with the occasional rock formation. It saw little use until the CNS Consul ordered that a training academy be built there for the clan's military, the Warhost, to practice maneuvers.
Historically, it is believed that the Sith Lord Urias Orian must have used the moon for some purpose, but there are few, if any ruins on the world's surface. However, the Force feels 'weird' on the moon's surface, as if it is not as strong as normal. It has also been described as 'distant'. The clan's force users have found themselves unable or barely able to use their Force abilities on that world, depending on where they are standing on it. This has led to the theory that the ancient Sith Lord performed some ritual on the moon which may have gone awry (or worked as intended), resulting in it's current barren surface and weak connection to the Force.
The world has no natural resources. There are no valuable minerals or space ports. Due to it's proximity to Gamuslag (Sepros Major) and Sepros itself, in the heart of the Sadowan sphere of influence, no pirates or smugglers have made bases there. It seems that while Urias Orian used Gamuslag as a dumping ground for all kinds of failed experiments, Sepros Minor is barren for some reason, whether that be the aforementioned experiment gone wrong, or something else known.
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Nora Olen
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Lumyi Hicyl
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Warlord Kai Movar
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Sage Enzo Dek
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The Ancient Grav Generator
In the ruined cities and towns of Ragnath sits the deep and old gravity generators of long past. Since the destruction of the moon, these generators have been felled into a state of near disrepair. The ancient gravity generator room now serves as a dueling arena for the remaining beasts, criminals, and survivors that dot the planet’s surface.
The generator itself is still mostly intact, but the function leaves much to be desired. The giant cylinder of a generator has a few cracks in it, but the cavernous room around it still has a structural integrity that can last for millennia. The room itself fluctuates between zero gravity, normal gravity, and heavy gravity because of the decrepit generator. This leaves projectiles and hand to hand combat in very different forces and those using their favoured weapons will usually be caught off guard by how it behaves in this atmospherically diverse room.
Clan Scholae Palatinae has refused entry to Ragnath for civilians and military personnel, while Clan members are advised to enter at their own risk. It is said that occasionally the Emperor would set up fights among Force Users to test their ability to fight in changing environments. Sometimes it is done through mutual agreement, and sometimes through mandatory “volunteerism”.
(214 words)
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Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
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- Araks.pdf
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Daro Vane
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**The Slaughterhouse**
No other building found on Daemunn is soaked with as much blood and filled with as much horror as the Slaughterhouse. This foreboding building oozes fear but also carries with it a feeling of pride and honor.
The building itself is in the shape of a parabola and is windowless save for the singular window fixed into the peak of the ceiling that allows light to shine down on a sandy arena surrounded by stadium seating and a moat of vile water. Lining the walls below the raised seating area are the same blood stained doors riddled with carbon scoring and battle scars that make up the arena's overall mien.
Behind those doors is an array of scenery and props that can be shifted through the arena by worker droids at a moments notice. The east wing houses live creatures as well as prisoners that are kept close to the animals as a fear tactic and perhaps just to keep the scent of the would-be victims fresh in predatory nostrils. The west wing contains an Armory and a Med-bay that is filled with surgical droids and bacta tanks. The north wing is where the VIP box and Clan Vizsla sections can be located and the southern wing is the civilian entrance, concessions, and intermission areas.
While primarily used to publicly punish individuals for treason, dishonorable crimes, or enemies. The Slaughterhouse has also been used for rites of passage and combat spectacles that are meant to leave the audience in awe. The underlying theme is to ensure Clan Vizsla maintains control and is always seen as coming from positions of power. Never from weakness. This is made obvious by the Mandalorian statues and inscriptions written in Mando'a which line the outermost walls, dimly lit by flame over the more modern lighting options.
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