ARCCOUs! To celebrate getting together again, we’re throwing a party. And not just any party, but an ARCCOU party! So we can't just play regular old jizz hit jams. We request your help in throwing together a playlist of music to play at the event!
For this competition, create a playlist of at least three (3) songs with a minimum one (1) sentence description that, if they existed in the Star Wars universe, your character would listen to or have playing for a party/reunion! You may also address this from an Out of Character standpoint and make a playlist of songs that would match the character for writing during the party.
The songs you pick should have some kind of meaning to your character, and touch on their Personality, Combat, or General Aspects that would be found on a Character Sheet or Wikipedia article. You can be as detailed or simple as you want. You can simply list the songs your character would have on this playlist with short reasoning, or you can go into more detail and tell me more about why you think the songs are fitting to them.
Use the Template provided below to meet or manually match the following requirements:
**[Character Name]**(Link To Character Sheet/Wiki)
(Optional) [Youtube Playlist](Link-to-youtube-playlist)
1. [*Song*](link to Youtube/Media)* - **Artist** -- Optional Text/Explanation
2. [*Song*](link to Youtube/Media)* - **Artist** -- Optional Text/Explanation
3. [*Song*](link to Youtube/Media)* - **Artist** -- Optional Text/Explanation
1st place
2nd place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
3rd place
Nikora Rhan
4th place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
5th place
Aedile Tali Sroka