Depict any of the following prompts (or a combination thereof) in graphic format. As this is a celebration of both Clans, each prompt focuses on featuring both Clans. Entries must depict both in some element, not only one or the other.
- One or more rostered player or non player characters from Arcona and one or more rostered player or non player characters from Odan-Urr together (eg Revak and Qyreia)
- Any landscape, native flora/fauna, or feature from the Kiast system and any landscape, native flora/fauna, or feature from the Dajorra system (eg a stroilk and a cythraul)
- Any Clan artifact from Arcona and any artifact from Odan-Urr (eg the Serpentine Throne and the Desired One)
- Any item in the Clan Possessions from Arcona and from Odan-Urr (eg the Invicta III and ODN Solari)
- Entries may be any traditional or digital media form.
- Entries must be submitted through the site in a format viewable to the graders, such as .PNG, .JPG, .PDF, etc. Links to image hosting sites are not admissible. If you need assistance with uploading due to file size or type, contact the graders.
- Entries must depict an element from both Clans. Only one or the other will not be eligible for placement.
- In the textbox, indicate what is being depicted and which element is representative of which Clan, so that the graders know what they are looking at.
- Outside resources, model or world building programs, and the line may be used but just be credited. Entries using any elements not created originally by the member must be credited in the textbox. This includes images or textures used in photobashing, manipulations, commissions, generated elements, doll makers, model builders, building programs such as Minecraft, etc. If credit is not included, the entry will not be eligible for placement, and may be subject to disqualification depending on the composition of the entry.
- Elements such as Clan logos and the like that are "property" of the Dark Brotherhood domain at large do not need to be credited individually and are considered free to use.
- AI-generated images may not be used, as the effort to manipulate these tools does not implement the same graphical effort as a model builder, for example, may.
- Grading will be done with the Graphics Grading Rubric
- Additionally considered will be originality and effort demonstrated in the submission. That is, a piece that is the member's work is likelier to place higher than a purely generated image. (Submitting a process of your work can demonstrate invested effort that may not be obvious to a grader, and is always helpful. These may be linked from a hosting site, Google Drive, etc).
- 1st place will receive 5 points
- 2nd place will receive 4 points
- 3rd place will receive 3 point
- Participation will earn 1 point.