Competition: #CharacterQuestion 6

#CharacterQuestion 6

Prompt: "New year, new me," or at least that's how the saying goes. New Year is a time for some to reinvent themselves, but mostly, it's just an excuse to celebrate, get stupid drink, and see in the next year in style.

That got me thinking... what do your characters celebrate?

Rules: write a piece of fiction (minimum 500 words) of your characters celebrating a personal event in their lives. What it is, is up to you! Why do they celebrate it? Does it bring back fond or painful memories?

Grading: Grading will utilise the Fiction Rubric 3.0

Submissions: Submissions must be submitted in .pdf, .word, or in the submit text box below.

Good luck, everyone! đź‘Ť

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Organized by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Running time
2023-01-05 until 2023-02-05 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
14 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
1st place
Essik Lyccane
Essik Lyccane
Essik Lyccane opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

Character Question 6
By Shimrah

Shimrah sat at his Aedile’s desk, the galactic holonet played on one view screen while the Brotherhood holonet played on another. The chatter of the talking heads did very little to interrupt the deep, brooding thoughts that he was known for. A chime at the door notified him that he was about to have an imminent visitor.

The Sith scowled, he wasn’t expecting anyone. Far away at the remote base on Daemunn, deep within the mountain, Shimrah had little fear of any assassination plots concocted by the other clans. He fingered a control on the underside of his desk, springing the door open with a hiss of hydraulics and a combination of moving mechanisms that groaned in obedience.

Stepping through the threshold was Shimrah’s agent, Tuuka, clad head to toe in his Mandalorian armor, his helmet tucked underneath his arm. The scent of the Mandalorian’s beard oil was pungent, and the Aedile noted the new addition to his hygiene.

“In the future, apply less.” Shimrah commented.

A look of embarrassment washed over Tuuka’s face.”Heh,” he chuckled, trying to lessen the impact of the statement, “sorry, the new lady I’m seeing insists, or else I wouldn’t, yah know?”

“No. I don’t know.” The Battlelord added unnecessarily. “Why are you here?”

“I just came to congratulate you on succeeding me as Aedile.”

Shimrah blinked unamused at his counterpart. “You mean you came to get paid for your part in the charade.”

“I mean, yeah, but can’t I congratulate you too? It deserves a toast!”

Tuuka made his way over to the side table in the office and set his helmet down upon it before removing two fresh tumbler glasses. He grabbed the bottle of liquor gingerly as he inspected the label.

“It really doesn’t. You can congratulate me when I become Consul,” Tuuka uncorked the crystal decanter and gave it a sniff. “and again when I arrive as a member of the Dark Council.”

“Mmmm. Corellian whiskey. Wait a minute, is this the aged stuff?.” He asked Shimrah as he ignored what the Sith had said and poured both of them a glass. The Human corked the bottle again, grabbed both glasses and sat across from the former Keibatsu, sliding the glass across the ornate wooden desk.

The Mando raised his glass to the Sith. “To your resurrection from the dead and triumphant return to Brotherhood space. May your enemies…” Tuuka trailed off as he failed to pick the right words, Shimrah raised his gaze from the glass and settled on his toaster. “choke to death on their own blood?” He finally finished, more of a question than a statement.

Shimrah nodded, satisfied with the unwanted toast. Tuuka downed his drink in one gulp while the Aedile ran his finger around the rim of the glass before finally taking a sip. Tuuka stood up and snagged his glass, making his way back over to the side table with the decanter for another glass.

“Tuuka.” He swung around eagerly to address his boss and benefactor. “The credits are in your account. Take the bottle and go. I’ve got plans to solidify.”

2nd place