Competition: [Great Hunt VI] Torn-A-Sunda

[Great Hunt VI] Torn-A-Sunda

Sunda Shrike, the Admiral of Clan Fero's fleet has taken up a defensive posture in an attempt to ward off Clan Vizsla's invasion against the Mimic Space Station. Your mission should you accept it, is to create a detailed fiction for this invasion utilizing your house fleet. In no less than 500 words, you can depict this invasion as a success or a failure. The choice is yours. The winning fiction entry will tie directly into the closing fiction of the Great Hunt. The Forces at your disposal are linked in the subscriber details.

  • Entries must be submitted in .doc, .pdf, or .txt format - or using the submission box on the Brotherhood website.
  • No GoogleDoc links, please download as a .pdf using "File" -> "Download as" "PDF Document (.pdf)" and submit through the website
  • If your entry is not PG-13, please make sure to hide your entry by unchecking the “Allow people to view your submission after the competition has been judged” box
  • Entries must be a minimum of 500 words to count towards placement. There is no Maximum word count.

Grading will be done using the Voice Fiction Rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Great Hunt VI] First Blood
Organized by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, Daro Vane
Running time
2023-01-01 until 2023-01-29 (29 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
5 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
A deleted dossier
File submission
Torn-A-Sunda (1).pdf
1st place
Corsair Chrome
Corsair Chrome opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

House Deathwatch Capital Ship Ravager
Hector Von Ricmore
Space near the Mimic Station

‘The Force was truly a terrifying power.’ Hector Von Ricmore mused to himself. The Kiffar had received a series of fragmented visions ever since Juda Graves had feuded with the member of Mandalorian Clan Fero. He didn’t need the visions to predict a coming conflict with the Clan. Vizsla was not a group that would allow disrespect from rivals. And with the growing ambition to establish themselves as an influential power group it was inevitable that they would come to blows with Fero.

On the subject of visions; Hector had foreseen images of a great battle. Crusader Class Corvettes and Nebulon Capital Ships Surrounded a Space Station. The Clan Fleets of Houses Deathwatch and Wren drifted through space, shattered and burning from a failed invasion. The debris was enough of a giveaway that a frontal assault was doomed to fail. Or, at the very least, would cost Vizsla lives and their house fleets before the Saxon fleet arrived.

This was unacceptable. It was a fate that would be avoided. If Vizsla would have difficulty in a frontal assault they simply had to weaken the enemy through trickery.

Hector took advantage of his security clearance within the Collegium. Few books and sources of information were unavailable to him. He had spent days reading about Sith artifacts and holocrons, finally devising a way to construct alchemical objects that would allow him to influence the user.

He then worked himself into a fervor. Creating modified weapons as well as alchemical jewelry and treasure. Broches of Sapphire and Ruby encrusted with gold. Beautifully engraved blades of durasteel. A sword of Beskar adorned with mandalorian crusaders and ancient runes served as the masterpiece to complete the trove.

These creations were packed onto a transport freighter crewed entirely by memory wiped droids. The transport was intercepted by Clan Fero, who eagerly took the spoils for themselves. The Beskar blade was given as a gift to Admiral Sunda Shrike to curry favor with him. But in doing so the Fero member had unintentionally brought about the doom of the Mimic Space Station.

Shrike and his commanders had been corrupted by the Force alchemy artifacts over several weeks. They were filled with a paranoia of the members of Clan Fero not on their ships. It drew on the suspicion already present, many had questioned their leaders about the shadowy Miraluka who came and left as she pleased. Shrike had no answers for them. Vizsla intelligence agents anonymously forwarded propaganda information identifying the Miraluka as Su Well and claiming that she was merely using Clan Fero as tools until they are discarded. This paranoia grew into outright hostility. Shrike’s fleet turned their weapons on Mimic station right as Clan Vizsla arrived to conduct their invasion.

The Ravager exited hyperspace alongside its complement of fighters and transports. The bridge was a flurry of activity as they received a transmission. The holographic image of an Aqualish, Admiral Shrike, appeared onscreen.

“Admiral Shrike, I take it you have received our intelligence. Clan Vizsla would be happy to welcome you as allies. All we ask is that you aid us in taking this station and hunting down Su Well.”

“That is…acceptable.” The Aqualish replied.

The combined fleet opened fire on the station, rapidly destroying its turret protections. The station defenders were unprepared for their own allies to turn on them; allies who were close enough to target the turrets with pinpoint accuracy.

And just like that the Space Battle for Mimic Station was won, without a single casualty.

3rd place