Week 11

Welcome to week 11 of this competition. Subscribe below for your writing prose.

Requirements for participation:

  • Subscribe to the competition, and submit either a .doc, .docx file, or in the text box.

  • No Google Drive Links Will Be Accepted

  • Follow the prompt. If the three judges agree that this hasn’t been done, you will be disqualified from that week’s challenge.

  • This is a haiku, so you must follow the 5-7-5 syllable count and the stanza requirement posted in each week's prompt.

  • Satirical entries will be accepted and graded accordingly. If they fail to reflect the spirit of the prompt properly, it will be reflected in the scoring.

  • Do Not Plagiarize! Plagiarism will be reported to the Justicar.

  • Have fun and be creative. Show us what that brain of yours can do.

This week's Haiku will be graded out of 60 points:

Spelling/Grammar: 20% Creativity: 30% Entertainment Value: 20% Originality: 30%


  • 1st: 10 points + 2nd tier crescent

  • 2nd: 9 points + 2nd tier crescent

  • 3rd: 8 points + 2nd tier crescent

  • 4th: 7 points

  • 5th: 6 points

  • 6th: 5 points

  • 7th: 4 points

  • 8th: 3 points

  • 9th: 2 points

  • 10th: 1 point

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Twelve Weeks a Haiku Returns!!!
Organized by
Dr. Rhylance
Running time
2023-04-02 until 2023-04-08 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
6 subscribers, of which 4 have participated.
1st place
Daro Vane
Daro Vane
Textual submission

So old and grumpy
Is that a napping bear there?
What is wrong with them

So quick to bicker
I am the best clicker here!
No, it is me, sir!

I'm amazed by them
So diverse and so quirky
We do love them though

1st place
2nd place
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus
Darth Renatus opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Textual submission

The Dark Councilors
No longer dark and eerie
Now just the Council

No placement
Nora Olen
Nora Olen opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement