Drynwyns Flame is in need of an official logo that members can proudly lift up. After all, logos and flags build a sense of unity within a unit (in this case the Drynwyns Flame battle team) which is a good thing (unless theyre planning on mobbing the leader <-- thats a bad thing). As a team of the House of the Rising Dragon, it is recommended that at least one dragon be present in the logo. From there, its up to your imagination. But please, dont make it inappropriate, or your entry will be disqualified.
Any imaging program (like MS Paint, Photoshop, those kinds of things)
Please submit entries in either .gif or *.jpg/.jpeg formats. Submit entries to me by email (dbrevengex[at]gmail[dot]com).
Fourth level crescents and for the first place winner: an invitation to join Drynwyns Flame if not already in it
1st place
Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine