Competition: Saving the Past

Saving the Past

The time to save Clan Vizsla has come. Write a short story from your characters Point of View and how they would deal with the threat to Vizsla in the past.

There is a minimum of 500 words for this submission and it can be turned in through the text box, txt, doc, etc. Grading will be done based on overall quality of the submission using the Fiction Grading Rubric 3.0.

Points will be awarded according to placement focusing on quality over quantity. Therefore the awarded points will be as follows 4 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd place, and 2 points for 3rd place. Participation will be worth 1 point.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
A World Apart - A Vizsla Story
Organized by
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Running time
2023-03-15 until 2023-03-25 (11 days)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
3 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Clan Vizsla
Lt. COL. Hector Von Ricmore
Unknown Space and Time

Exiting the portal he chased Su Well and her men through was a disorienting experience. Hector Von Ricmore was overcome with a sickening dread, a sense of perpetual wrongness that clawed at his mind and body. The Zeltron had done many abominable things in the name of science and discovery. But even he was loath to pursue the path Su Well walked.

There was a natural order to the galaxy, a degree of fate that all were bound to. One could fight against their fate and the outcome that awaited them. Yet the Force fated situations to bring out emotion. Conflict especially. Was the Force evil? Such a thing was difficult to say. It empowered those who sought conflict, many Sith were traditionally stronger than their peace loving Jedi foes. But an argument could be made that the Force simply sought balance. Even at the height of their Empire the Sith were dwarfed by the many Jedi who populated the galaxy.

Despite this it was tempting to call the Force evil. It always pushed the galaxy to conflict. It was a cruel and fickle master, awarding its favor at times which seemed seemingly random. It reveled in chaos and destruction as much as it did peace and love.

This situation was absurd. Traveling through mystical portals to a place and time unknown. It was nothing Hector had ever wanted to do. Su Well could not be allowed to get away with her plans; Hector feared the wrath of the Force all the same. It may not come for him today or tomorrow, but the energy source produced by Midichrolorians would always win in the end. It played the long game and sustained itself with the emotions of the galaxy as it waited.

The time for philosophy and critical thought had passed. The bizarre nature of the situation and alien feelings made it easy for one to mentally spiral out of control. Hector had a mission and it was time to get back to it.

Forcing his musing to come to an end through a burst of willpower the Zeltron began making his way forward. The land he found himself on looked strangely familiar. But he couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding wrongness which enveloped him.

The landmarks seemed similar to Zsoldos, but where the ground should have been a frigid and arctic tundra sat obsidian and other volcanic rock. The heat was almost oppressive; Hector had begun to sweat beneath his armor.

His yellow eyes soon widened in recognition as he caught sight of Su Well who appeared…to be having a breakdown?

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this…it wasn’t supposed to be like this! I am Su Well and I am chosen! I found the portal to the past, outwitted those Vizsla simpletons, only to find an alternative reality unconnected from the present!” The Miraluka raged against the injustice, the lack of fruit produced by all her labors and machinations.

Hector couldn’t help himself. He laughed. What started as a chuckle soon turned into a huge belly laugh. The absurdity of the situation was too much for him to handle. The Force itself was not keen on allowing people to meddle with fate. And it had delivered a rather appropriate response to those who sought the past.

Su Well turned to the sound of the laughs. “You! This must be your doing! I’ll make you suffer for this. You will known unending agony and suffering. You will beg me for death and weep for your end. Then and only then will I allow you to die.”

“Are you sure about that?” Hector responded

Su Well snapped out of her tirade, noticing the Zeltron standing next to the portal. His Jetpack and several blaster power packs had been propped alongside the archway.

“This reality will serve well enough as your prison. Goodbye Su Well.” The Zeltron fired several blaster bolts into the power packs as he dove into the portal. He heard a scream of rage echo behind him as he warped back to the World Between Worlds. He reappeared in the temple, the archway housing the portal collapsing behind him.

Having returned to the temple Hector decided to destroy the rest of the portals. Time was not something Mortal man was meant to control and he could do with earning some good will from the Force.

1st place