*Prompt: Craft an original piece of artwork presenting one or more of your Brotherhood Characters as they would dress in 1990s Fashion. The more nostalgic the better. *Other Important Information: Bonus points for era-relevant Pop-Culture references. *Formats: .PNG, .JPG, .PDF *Useful Tools: GIMP, Photoshop, Krita, Paint Tool Sai *Grading Criteria: Herald Graphics Grading Rubric, The Heartache of Nostalgia Note: All entries must be original artwork and if any resources are used which are not original must be cited in the submission box.
1st place
Bale Andros
2nd place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
3rd place
Aylin Sajark
4th place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
5th place