Competition: Lyrical Composition: Sith

Lyrical Composition: Sith


Calling All Sith!!

Yep, I'm a Krath, but that's precisely why I need your help! With the GJW done, it's time to let your brains traipse over some frivolity...

"Quick" background (cause no one likes to keep reading this crap, but some folks know and some folks don't); I've been making some music for the DB, a thing which started as a theme for Arcona a while ago and grew into an acc theme, order theme, a b-hood theme etc. etc. all of which can be found here:

Anyway, I am just about finished with the Sith theme 'music', but my attempts to get the lyrics done are coming out pretty darn stupid - again, I'm a Krath and I hardly think that any self respecting Sith would want Krath-esque lyrics...coupled with the fact that I have no clue what a Sith deems 'important' as far as the history of their existence is concerned. So, this is what I am looking for...

Send me a few lines of what you think would be cool for the Sith in a song (no, you don't have to be a Sith). Keep it short, please - no more than 6 lines or so. They don't have to rhyme, they don't have to be spelled correctly, they don't even have to be related to each other - I can make anything work, but I'm drawing a complete blank for ideas and lack the knowledge of the order to be of any use in that regard.


Yer brain, a keyboard and email :P


Meh - dunno, depends what I use. I'm thinking 3rd Level Cr's for the top three people's stuff I use - but I'd like the option of a DC for anyone that sends something spectacular!!

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2006-09-01 until 2006-10-01 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.