Competition: Special Operation Palisade: The battle for the Oasis

Special Operation Palisade: The battle for the Oasis

As you enter into the secure conference area in Deathwatch bunker, an audible gasp escapes your lips. There had to have been over a hundred personnel crammed into the briefing and you find it is standing room only. Taking up a spot in the corner you glance hurriedly around, seeing perhaps almost the entirety of Clan Vizsla’s military and strategic leadership assembled here. In front of you, situated in the center of all this chaos stood Quaestor Shimrah and Aedile Raistlin. Though they had many droids and beings around them, they dispersed almost immediately after your entrance, and the lights began to dim…..

“Thank you all for coming.” Raist began,

“As if we had a choice.” You hear someone mutter, though barely audible

“Today begins Special Operation Palisade. Since we have made our home here on Korus, the Oasis, has beckoned to me like a siren. It belongs to the Gal’um no longer!” Raist bellowed to applause.

“I care not how you take it, our esteemed Quaestor thinks these savages can be bartered with and if so, I would love to see it.” Raist said, gesturing to Shim next to him

“Should we engage, I will lead from the front, and House Deathwatch will claim the Oasis at any cost!” More applause this time deafening.

“Do not fail me. I expect the Deathwatch banner to be flying over the Oasis within a fortnight. DISMISSED!!!”


Hello and welcome to what I hope is a recurring comp series. This month is a fiction comp for the Oasis

Rules are as follows:

Standard fiction grading metric I have rolled a d10. Should we get that number of participants or above, the operation will succeed. Otherwise we will fail

Any method that results in success is fine, military options don’t have to be the only option.

Besides clan npc’s and personal possessions. You have at your disposal: Nox Company and all Deathwatch ground assets

No ships are to be used for fear of damaging the Oasis

500 word minimum

TL:DR Submit fictions, 500 words or better, don’t use space ships, fight (or debate with) the Gal’um Good luck!

Competition Information
Organized by
Aedile Raistlin
Running time
2023-05-11 until 2023-06-12 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
4 subscribers, of which 1 has participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Clan Vizsla Ship Moonfall
Above planet Korus
Zsoldos Space

A pair of hurried footfalls echoed through the pathway to the bridge of the Providence Class Battleship, Moonfall. Hector Von Ricmore strode onto the bridge, ignoring the clamoring of the messenger Raistlin sent behind him.
“Sir I must insist you avoid using any ship larger than a transport!” The messenger proclaimed. “Aedile Raistlin specifically instructed that no ships larger than a transport are to be used to preserve the integrity of the oasis!”
Hector scoffed. “It is clear that Raistlin is a fool with no knowledge of tactics. We will first attempt to use the Vizsla fleet to intimidate the Ga’lum into surrendering the Oasis. If that fails we will begin an orbital bombardment utilizing only the Ion Cannons that the Vizsla fleet possesses. If the Ga’lum still refuse peace talks we will then begin a ground invasion. Conquering the Oasis will be made far more plausible if the enemy is deprived of their ranged weaponry.”
The messenger frowned. “You’ll have to take it up with Raistlin then. I’ll relay your intentions but I will not cover for your actions.” The man left the bridge to meet with Raistlin.
“Comms officer, please send a transmission request to the Ga’lum chieftain of the Oasis.” Hector requested.
“Right away sir.”
The holotable sputtered to life. A holographic image of a wizened older man emerged; With black hair covered with streaks of grey and garbed in a variety of comfortable wraps and a turban atop his head.
“I have received your request, outsider.” The elder stated. “I would inquire as to the reason for your call and why you have stationed a fleet around our planet.”

Hector bowed respectfully. “Wise elder, it is an honor to make your acquaintance. I have contacted you on behalf of Clan Vizsla. We are a clan which inhabits the nearby planet of Daemunn. We are seeking the rights to access the land in which you now reside, an area Vizsla has termed the Oasis.”

“It is called Al’Rasha and it is sacred to our people. We have allowed you outsiders to settle on Korus. We will not allow you to desecrate our holy land.” The Chieftain retorted.

“I am not asking the Ga’lum to leave Al’Rasha. I only ask for the Ga’lum to allow some of our people access to the area.”

“Outsiders are not permitted in Al’Rasha. If you try to take it from us we will stop you. Us and all the tribes. You will face a reckoning.”

“If you do not allow us access we will open fire from orbit.”

“You wouldn’t dare. You want Al’Rasha intact. These talks are over. You are not welcome in Al’Rasha.”

The transmission cut.

“So that is how it will be. Contact the Vizsla fleet. I want every ion cannon we have to fire on Korus. It may be costly but taking out power for the planet will allow us to convince the Ga’lum to allow us access to Al’Rasha without bloodshed.”

The Vizsla fleet gathered around Korus. Hundreds of blue ionized blasts slammed into the planet.

6 hours later

“Sir, all scans indicate that Korus has completely lost power.” A bridge officer reported.

“Excellent. Send probe droids to find the Chieftan. Let us see if he has reconsidered our offer.”

Dozens of probe droids were shot out of the fleet and descended to the planets surface. A few minutes later a droid located the Chieftain within a series of fortified tunnels.

“I stand corrected. You have shown both strength and restraint through your actions. We are open to negotiating the allowance of Clan Vizsla into Al’Rasha.” He stated.

1st place