The Taskmaster is great! The Taskmaster is powerful! But what else is he? In this episode you are getting to know him, and it's time to put all that knowledge to good use. Al'ex Ho'rne approaches you with an envelope that reads;
"Create a character sheet for the Taskmaster, Gr'eg Dav'ies. The best, most impressive Chatacter Sheet created of the Taskmaster wins. Your time starts now."
Rules: Members are to create a character sheet for the Taskmaster. What rank and skills he has are up to you, and because I'm not a monster, I will reference the Regent's Character Sheet Template for you to use.
Grading: Grading will be done through the following criteria;
Character Sheet uniqueness with custom aspects: 40%
Adherence to the Taskmaster in the BBC show: 40%
Syntax, Spelling, Grammar: 20%
In the event of a tie, placements will be decided by which entry I believe captures the Taskmaster the most accurately.
Nobody has participated in this competition.