Overview: Since the Galerian forces have returned to Eldar, there has been a campaign to re-establish the House on the planet permanently. This has caused some part of a rift between the Keadean and Sardinians who view House Galeres as a problematic, possibly authoritarian group. Galeres has had four members of each population living within the House during the war against The Children of Mortis and the rebuilding of Fort Blindshot after the destruction of the war. These members are of noble blood and high-ranking citizenship which are believed by Galerian leadership to have the most pull to assist in negotiations between the Keadeans and Sardinians. As part of the negotiations, Galeres has set aside land to establish the new city, Ekkar, and the Ubaba Intergalactic Spaceport.
Prompt: In this competition, you are tasked with creating a map of the new city, Ekkar, and the spaceport which will be connected to the city. Links have been provided to create a map. Next write a small blurb that is 250 words roughly about the city and spaceport to describe the visuals visualized in the map.
Provided links:
Azgaar Map
Other Important Information: (Include other details which may be important to the member such as links to Wikipedia pages of Clan/House related material, etc.)
Native Populations
The top three submissions will earn points as follows:
1st- 4 points
2nd- 3 points
3rd- 2 points
Grading will be based on meeting the criteria listed in the competitions and subjective liking of the entry. Blind grading will be used to ensure fairness. Do not put any markers of who you are in the entry.
All valid submissions will earn half a point for participation if it does not place.
Formats: .PDF
Only submissions from members of House Galeres will be considered. Any others will be disqualified.
1st place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna