A mysterious virus has attacked your home. Your character/NPC has completely lost one of the following senses for several days. The virus is smart and took away the one that’s most important to the host. The senses are:
• Touch
• Taste
• Smell
• Hearing
• Sight
• Force Sense
Which sense is the most important to them? How did they cope/deal with the loss of the sense? Did they cry? Did they tough it out? Did they roll over and go back to sleep?
Rules: Write a story with a minimum of 500 words in which your character/NPC loses their most important sense. Please submit the format in .pdf, word document, or the submission text box.
You can co-op on this comp! Or write solo. Writer’s choice! If you decide to co-op please use readable colored fronts and let us know which color belonged to who. Each writer must meet a minimum of 500 words, [and all writers must contribute a roughly equal amount of writing.]
Grading: We will use Fiction Scoring Rubic 3.0 to grade the entries.
Reminder: Check the box if it’s above PG-13
1st place
Nildea Vidh
1st place
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
2nd place
Qyreia Arronen
3rd place
Asani Armis