How do you recognize an agency of authority: is it their prestigious name, the person behind the desk, or a label? Sometimes it's a combination of all these things, but how is the common man to know? How do you distinguish those who may mean to render aid from common criminals when the chips are down? Their Badge.
The Badge is a marker of office, denoting belonging to an order, and a sworn oath. In the case of the Marshals, an oath to render aid, to clean up the worst criminals who escape planetary justice, those who inflict wanton violence or inhumanities upon others. Throughout time the badge of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services has been a shield, standing between others and harm, while such imagery is not required, it is a starting point. Symbolism goes a long way.
The Dajorran Marshals and their Disaster Response Team are a Civilian Arm of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services serving across the Dajorra System to render aid to the citizens and civilians who reside in such and apprehend any dangerous criminals. Specializing in rescue, rapid deployment, and hostile fugitive apprehension, the Marshals serve a role as mediators, disaster relief, and civilian law enforcement in the face of interplanetary boundaries across the Dajorra system, able to deploy from any base of operations after inquest and brief.
The competition is to develop a Unit Emblem for the Dajorran Marshals, one easily recognizable, which will serve as the imprint for the Marshals' Badge.
1st place
Jaa Shif
2nd place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
3rd place
Dr. Rhylance
4th place
Erin Armis